(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
DOMDocument::createTextNode — Create new text node
This function creates a new instance of class DOMText. Dieser Knoten wird in Ihrem Dokument nicht sichtbar sein, bis dieser zum Beispiel mit der Funktion DOMNode::appendChild() eingefügt wird.
The content of the text.
The new DOMText.
Version | Beschreibung |
8.1.0 |
In case of an error, a DomException is thrown now.
Previously, false was returned.
Siehe auch
- DOMNode::appendChild() - Adds new child at the end of the children
- DOMDocument::createAttribute() - Create new attribute
- DOMDocument::createAttributeNS() - Create new attribute node with an associated namespace
- DOMDocument::createCDATASection() - Create new cdata node
- DOMDocument::createComment() - Create new comment node
- DOMDocument::createDocumentFragment() - Create new document fragment
- DOMDocument::createElement() - Create new element node
- DOMDocument::createElementNS() - Create new element node with an associated namespace
- DOMDocument::createEntityReference() - Create new entity reference node
- DOMDocument::createProcessingInstruction() - Creates new PI node