
(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

cli_set_process_titleSets the process title


cli_set_process_title(string $title): bool

Sets the process title visible in tools such as top and ps. This function is available only in CLI mode.



The new title.


Gibt bei Erfolg true zurück. Bei einem Fehler wird false zurückgegeben.


An E_WARNING will be generated if the operating system is unsupported.


Beispiel #1 cli_set_process_title() example

"My Amazing PHP Script";
$pid getmypid(); // you can use this to see your process title in ps

if (!cli_set_process_title($title)) {
"Unable to set process title for PID $pid...\n";
} else {
"The process title '$title' for PID $pid has been set for your process!\n";

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