
(PHP 5.4 >= 5.4.26, PHP 5.5 >= 5.5.10, PHP 5.6 >= 5.6.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ldap_modify_batchBatch and execute modifications on an LDAP entry


    LDAP\Connection $ldap,
    string $dn,
    array $modifications_info,
    ?array $controls = null
): bool

Modifies an existing entry in the LDAP directory. Allows detailed specification of the modifications to perform.



An LDAP resource, returned by ldap_connect().


The distinguished name of an LDAP entity.


An array that specifies the modifications to make. Each entry in this array is an associative array with two or three keys: attrib maps to the name of the attribute to modify, modtype maps to the type of modification to perform, and (depending on the type of modification) values maps to an array of attribute values relevant to the modification.

Possible values for modtype include:


Each value specified through values is added (as an additional value) to the attribute named by attrib.


Each value specified through values is removed from the attribute named by attrib. Any value of the attribute not contained in the values array will remain untouched.


All values are removed from the attribute named by attrib. A values entry must not be provided.


All current values of the attribute named by attrib are replaced with the values specified through values.

Note that any value for attrib must be a string, any value for values must be an array of strings, and any value for modtype must be one of the LDAP_MODIFY_BATCH_* constants listed above.


Array of LDAP Controls to send with the request.


Gibt bei Erfolg true zurück. Bei einem Fehler wird false zurückgegeben.


Version Beschreibung
8.1.0 Der Parameter ldap erwartet nun eine LDAP\Connection-Instanz; vorher wurde eine Ressource erwartet.
8.0.0 controls ist jetzt nullable (akzeptiert den null-Wert); vorher war der Standardwert [].
7.3.0 Support for controls added


Beispiel #1 Add a telephone number to a contact

"cn=John Smith,ou=Wizards,dc=example,dc=com";
$modifs = [
"attrib"  => "telephoneNumber",
"values"  => ["+1 555 555 1717"],

Beispiel #2 Rename a user

"cn=John Smith,ou=Wizards,dc=example,dc=com";
$modifs = [
"attrib"  => "sn",
"values"  => ["Smith-Jones"],
"attrib"  => "givenName",
"values"  => ["Jack"],
ldap_rename($connection$dn"cn=Jack Smith-Jones"NULLTRUE);

Beispiel #3 Add two e-mail addresses to a user

"cn=Jack Smith-Jones,ou=Wizards,dc=example,dc=com";
$modifs = [
"attrib"  => "mail",
"values"  => [

Beispiel #4 Change a user's password

"cn=Jack Smith-Jones,ou=Wizards,dc=example,dc=com";
$modifs = [
"attrib"  => "userPassword",
"values"  => ["Tr0ub4dor&3"],
"attrib"  => "userPassword",
"values"  => ["correct horse battery staple"],

Beispiel #5 Change a user's password (Active Directory)

function adifyPw($pw)
iconv("UTF-8""UTF-16LE"'"' $pw '"');

$dn "cn=Jack Smith-Jones,ou=Wizards,dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com";
$modifs = [
"attrib"  => "unicodePwd",
"values"  => [adifyPw("Tr0ub4dor&3")],
"attrib"  => "unicodePwd",
"values"  => [adifyPw("correct horse battery staple")],

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