
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL phar >= 2.0.0)

PharData::convertToExecutableConvert a non-executable tar/zip archive to an executable phar archive


public PharData::convertToExecutable(?int $format = null, ?int $compression = null, ?string $extension = null): ?Phar


Diese Methode des Phar-Objekts funktioniert nur wenn die php.ini-Einstellung phar.readonly auf 0 gesetzt ist, sonst wird eine PharException geworfen.

This method is used to convert a non-executable tar or zip archive to an executable phar archive. Any of the three executable file formats (phar, tar or zip) can be used, and whole-archive compression can also be performed.

If no changes are specified, this method throws a BadMethodCallException.

If successful, the method creates a new archive on disk and returns a Phar object. The old archive is not removed from disk, and should be done manually after the process has finished.



This should be one of Phar::PHAR, Phar::TAR, or Phar::ZIP. If set to null, the existing file format will be preserved.


This should be one of Phar::NONE for no whole-archive compression, Phar::GZ for zlib-based compression, and Phar::BZ2 for bzip-based compression.


This parameter is used to override the default file extension for a converted archive. Note that all zip- and tar-based phar archives must contain .phar in their file extension in order to be processed as a phar archive.

If converting to a phar-based archive, the default extensions are .phar, .phar.gz, or .phar.bz2 depending on the specified compression. For tar-based phar archives, the default extensions are .phar.tar, .phar.tar.gz, and .phar.tar.bz2. For zip-based phar archives, the default extension is


The method returns a Phar object on success, or null on failure.


This method throws BadMethodCallException when unable to compress, an unknown compression method has been specified, the requested archive is buffering with Phar::startBuffering() and has not concluded with Phar::stopBuffering(), an UnexpectedValueException if write support is disabled, and a PharException if any problems are encountered during the phar creation process.


Version Beschreibung
8.0.0 format, compression, and localName are now nullable.


Beispiel #1 A PharData::convertToExecutable() example

Using PharData::convertToExecutable():

try {
$tarphar = new PharData('myphar.tar');
// convert it to the phar file format
    // note that myphar.tar is *not* unlinked
$phar $tarphar->convertToExecutable(Phar::PHAR); // creates myphar.phar
// creates myphar.phar.tgz
$compressed $tarphar->convertToExecutable(Phar::TARPhar::GZ'.phar.tgz');
} catch (
Exception $e) {
// handle the error here

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