[Freelancer] Web development: programming and design

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  • [Freelancer] Web development: programming and design

    We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on www.BitriXTeam.com). You will be fully 100% satisfied.

    Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages.
    WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.

    Bitrixteam.com the leading edge in website development and management. We develop and maintain websites for clients from all over the world. Our professional team of web design and programming experts pride themselves on producing websites that make for real business. BitriX Team specializes in making custom Web sites and providing custom solutions for each client. Each site is built from the ground up with your needs in mind, not from a template.

    Did another firm or individual create your current site that is now generating more headaches than profits and new customers? BitriX Team will be glad to review your site, give your company expert suggestions to make your life easier. We can also repair or rebuild your site at competitive rates.

    BitriX Team can handle basically any Website design or development task!

    We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on ww.BitriXTeam.com).

    Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages. WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.

  • #2
    Apart from your slogan, which should rather go like "we can do everything" (which I guess is what you mean) - nice work. Looks interesting.


    • #3

      check your doctype and html-code.....
      INFO: Erst suchen, dann posten![color=red] | [/color]MANUAL(s): PHP | MySQL | HTML/JS/CSS[color=red] | [/color]NICE: GNOME Do | TESTS: Gästebuch[color=red] | [/color]IM: Jabber.org |

