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  • #16
    gute frage
    ich krieg das sche***-teil noch nicht mal installiert *grrr*

    laut imagemagick solls so gehen:
    This file documents how to use the binary distribution packages built by
    ImageMagick Studio, and found in the ImageMagick 'binaries' subdirectory
    of ImageMagick ftp sites. Those who want to build ImageMagick from
    source code should refer to the file README.txt in the ImageMagick source
    package or http://www.imagemagick.org/www/install.html on the web.

    Unix/Linux/Darwin/Cygwin/MinGW Install:

    Download the appropriate binary from


    Create (or choose) a directory to install the package into and
    cd to that directory, for example:

    mkdir $HOME/ImageMagick
    cd $HOME/ImageMagick

    Extract the contents of the package using the command

    gzip -dc /path/to/package.tar.gz | tar -xf -

    If the 'bin' subdirectory of the extracted package is not
    already in your executable search path, add it to your
    PATH environment variable. For example

    export PATH; PATH="$HOME/ImageMagick:$PATH"

    Test ImageMagick to see if it is working

    convert "LOGO:" logo.miff
    display logo.miff

    If an error is displayed that a file can not be found, you may need to
    set the MAGICK_HOME environment variable to the path where you
    extracted the ImageMagick files. For example

    export MAGICK_HOME="$HOME/ImageMagick"

    Additional Information

    Environment Variables:

    In addition to the MAGICK_HOME environment variable defined above,
    you may find these variables useful:

    MAGICK_HOME path to ImageMagick installation directory
    TMPDIR path to store temporary files
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH path to libMagick.so and other libraries

    Configuration Files

    ImageMagick depends on a number of external configuration files
    which include colors.mgk, delegates.mgk, magic.mgk, type.mgk, and
    modules.mgk. ImageMagick searches for configuration files in the
    following order, and will use the first file found:

    <client path>/../lib/ImageMagick/
    <current directory>/

    Font Files

    ImageMagick is able to load raw TrueType and Postscript font files.
    It searches for these files in the following order and uses the
    first match found:

    <current directory>/

    Module Files

    ImageMagick's file format support is usually provided in the form
    of loadable modules. It searches for loadable modules in the
    following order and it uses the first match found:

    <client path>/../lib/ImageMagick/modules/coders/
    <current directory>/

    XP, Win2K, WinME, NT, Win98, Win95 Install:



    and execute it (or "open" it from your browser) to start the installation

    Once ImageMagick is installed, Select Start->Programs->Command Prompt.
    In the Command Prompt window type

    identify -verbose logo:

    If you have an X11 server, from the Command Prompt window type

    set DISPLAY=:0


    • #17
      Ich verschieb mal nach ASP,CGI und Perl
      Hilfe für eine Vielzahl von Problemen!!!


      • #18
        Versuche das grade auf meinem Fli4l router zu installieren, wenns läuft wäre es absolut geil, sonst hab ich halt pech gehabt....opera könnte bei mir da aber das größte prob werden....

        Werden Sie Webhoster, mit Werbung auf den Userseiten, Php, Mysql, FTP


        • #19
          Also irgendjemand weiter gekommen?

          Ich habe jetzt eine ellenlange Fehlermeldung in meiner log-Datei.
          [Wed Apr 23 16:24:23 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/html2jpg.pl
          ERROR: No URLs specified!

          Usage: html2jpg.pl [-d] [-o out] <URL>
          Takes a screenshot of an HTML page and saves to an image

          -o <out> postfix determines image type [html2jpg.pl.jpg.pl]
          -s <sleep> Time to sleep before window dump
          -g <geom> Browser geometry
          -d Set debug mode

          - We don't know when the page is finished loading
          - Rule of thumb for finding subwindow is guesswork!
          If you're getting the wrong window, comment out call to subwindow()
          - Browser geometry ignored if browser doesn't create a new window
          (Such as opera in "mdi" mode)
          - Dependent on xwd command and output of xwininfo and ...
          - Browser can't be iconified or partially off-screen
          - Only gets portion of html displayed in browser
          - Requires "opera" browser - update find_window() for other browsers
          - Opens up a bunch o' windows in your browser and leaves them there

          % html2jpg.pl MarginalHacks.com -o MH.gif # Snapshot of MarginalHacks
          % html2jpg.pl GetDave.com -o gif:- | xv - # Pipe output, type gif

          Heck - I just needed something to automate screenshots of HTML output.
          Ask <your browser> to add '-remote SaveAsImage(file)' if you don't like it.

          Author: David Ljung Madison
          License: http://MarginalHacks.com/License
          Please see! http://MarginalHacks.com/Pay

          [Wed Apr 23 16:24:48 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/html2jpg.pl
          ERROR: No URLs specified!

          Usage: html2jpg.pl [-d] [-o out] <URL>
          Takes a screenshot of an HTML page and saves to an image

          -o <out> postfix determines image type [html2jpg.pl.jpg.pl]
          -s <sleep> Time to sleep before window dump
          -g <geom> Browser geometry
          -d Set debug mode

          - We don't know when the page is finished loading
          - Rule of thumb for finding subwindow is guesswork!
          If you're getting the wrong window, comment out call to subwindow()
          - Browser geometry ignored if browser doesn't create a new window
          (Such as opera in "mdi" mode)
          - Dependent on xwd command and output of xwininfo and ...
          - Browser can't be iconified or partially off-screen
          - Only gets portion of html displayed in browser
          - Requires "opera" browser - update find_window() for other browsers
          - Opens up a bunch o' windows in your browser and leaves them there

          % html2jpg.pl MarginalHacks.com -o MH.gif # Snapshot of MarginalHacks
          % html2jpg.pl GetDave.com -o gif:- | xv - # Pipe output, type gif

          Heck - I just needed something to automate screenshots of HTML output.
          Ask <your browser> to add '-remote SaveAsImage(file)' if you don't like it.

          Author: David Ljung Madison
          License: http://MarginalHacks.com/License
          Please see! http://MarginalHacks.com/Pay

          [Wed Apr 23 16:24:59 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/html2jpg.pl
          ERROR: No URLs specified!

          Usage: html2jpg.pl [-d] [-o out] <URL>
          Takes a screenshot of an HTML page and saves to an image

          -o <out> postfix determines image type [html2jpg.pl.jpg.pl]
          -s <sleep> Time to sleep before window dump
          -g <geom> Browser geometry
          -d Set debug mode

          - We don't know when the page is finished loading
          - Rule of thumb for finding subwindow is guesswork!
          If you're getting the wrong window, comment out call to subwindow()
          - Browser geometry ignored if browser doesn't create a new window
          (Such as opera in "mdi" mode)
          - Dependent on xwd command and output of xwininfo and ...
          - Browser can't be iconified or partially off-screen
          - Only gets portion of html displayed in browser
          - Requires "opera" browser - update find_window() for other browsers
          - Opens up a bunch o' windows in your browser and leaves them there

          % html2jpg.pl MarginalHacks.com -o MH.gif # Snapshot of MarginalHacks
          % html2jpg.pl GetDave.com -o gif:- | xv - # Pipe output, type gif

          Heck - I just needed something to automate screenshots of HTML output.
          Ask <your browser> to add '-remote SaveAsImage(file)' if you don't like it.

          Author: David Ljung Madison
          License: http://MarginalHacks.com/License
          Please see! http://MarginalHacks.com/Pay

          [Wed Apr 23 16:25:02 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/html2jpg.pl
          [Wed Apr 23 16:26:34 2003] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/html2jpg.pl MarginalHacks.com -o MH.gif
          sh: opera: command not found
          Couldn't run: [xwininfo -tree -root]
          [Wed Apr 23 16:27:05 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/html2jpg.pl
          Hilfe für eine Vielzahl von Problemen!!!


          • #20
            na klasse, da bist du schon weiter als ich ... schiess mir permanent perl ab ?!

            [Wed Apr 23 16:24:23 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/html2jpg.pl
            ERROR: No URLs specified!
            versuch mal nen aufruf ala [COLOR=blue]html2jpg.pl?url=www.test.de[/COLOR]

            sh: opera: command not found
            [COLOR=blue]my $BROWSER = 'opera'; # Required by find_window() - see usage()[/COLOR]Ich verstehs so, dass man hier auch einen anderen browser angeben kann

            Couldn't run: [xwininfo -tree -root]
            Requires: xwininfo, xwd [standard unix utilities], hat ers nicht gefunden oder darf er nicht drauf zugreifen?

            vielleicht bringt dich das weiter ?

            gruss wurzel


            • #21
              Habe hier erstmal abgebrochen, weil ich keine Lust habe ein X-Server auf meinen Root-Server zu installieren um den eine Browser zu installieren. Weil geht nicht ohne X-Server!
              Hilfe für eine Vielzahl von Problemen!!!


              • #22
                Hmm, dann brech ich hier wohl auch mal und bleibe bei meiner kleinen Windows Lösung, die läuft wenigstens......

                Und dabei hatte ich grade ImageMagick einigermaßen auf Fli4l am laufen....

                Werden Sie Webhoster, mit Werbung auf den Userseiten, Php, Mysql, FTP


                • #23
                  schön, dass wirs wenigstens besprochen haben , ich komm nämlich auch nicht weiter


                  • #24
                    Was besprochen haben???
                    Hilfe für eine Vielzahl von Problemen!!!

