* @copyright 2004 by GhostGambler
* @version Version 1.0
* @link http://www.manga-carta.de Home of the programmer of this wonderful code ;-)
* @include uses the DB-class of me, if you don't own -> download!...it's pretty nice ^-^ (in some way -_-")
class user
private $id = '', $username = '', $db, $rights, $type;
* Settings -v
private $table_user = 'users',
$table_rights = 'rights',
$column_user_username = 'username',
$column_user_password = 'password',
$column_user_id = 'id',
$column_user_last_on = 'last_on',
$column_user_free = 'free',
$column_user_code = 'code',
$column_rights_id = 'user_id',
$standart_rights = array('all' => 'j',
'forum_view_all' => 'j'
$crypt = 'sha1';
#$crypt = 'md5';
public $settings = array( 'forum' => array( 'posts_pro_seite' => 12,
'seitenblocks' => 4,
'show_categ_desc' => 1,
'show_last_post' => 1,
'show_last_threads' => 1,
'show_last_post_board' => 1
'gallery' => array( 'pics_pro_seite' => 4,
'pics_pro_reihe' => 4
'news' => array( 'news_pro_seite' => 4,
'seitenblocks' => 4
'spotlight' => array( 'seitenblocks' => 4
* @param My-SQL-Resource-ID of the two tables above, is using the DB-Class of me, if you don't own, download!
function __construct($db, $type = 'session')
$this->db = $db;
$this->type = $type;
if ($this->logged_in())
$this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_user . '` SET `' . $this->column_user_last_on . '` = ' . time() . ' WHERE id=' . $_SESSION['id']);
$this->id = $_SESSION['id'];
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_user . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_user_id . '` = ' . $this->id);
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
$this->username = $row['username'];
function register($username, $password, $extras='')
if ($extras !='' AND is_array($extras))
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_user . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_user_username . '` LIKE "' . $this->db->real_escape_string($username) . '"');
if ($this->db->num_rows($result)==0)
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . $this->table_user . '` (`' . $this->column_user_username . '`, `' . $this->column_user_password . '`';
foreach ($extras as $key => $value)
$sql .= ', `' . $this->db->real_escape_string($key) . '`';
$function = $this->crypt;
$sql .= ') VALUES ("' . $this->db->real_escape_string($username) . '", "' . $function($password) . '"';
foreach ($extras as $value)
$sql .= ', "' . $this->db->real_escape_string($value) . '"';
$sql .= ')';
return true;
return false;
return false;
function free($username, $code)
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_user . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_user_username . '` LIKE "' . $this->db->real_escape_string($username) . '"');
if ($this->db->num_rows($result)==0)
return false;
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
if ($row[$this->column_user_code]==$code)
if ($this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_user . '` SET `' . $this->column_user_free . '` = "j" WHERE `' . $this->column_user_username . '` LIKE "' . $this->db->real_escape_string($username) . '"'))
return true;
return false;
return false;
* @param string $username The username of the user (how complicated ^^
* @param string $password The password of the user, not encrypted, will be done!
* @return boolean true=login, false=error, just let the user control his typing XD
function login($username, $password)
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_user . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_user_username . '` LIKE "' . $this->db->real_escape_string($username) . '" AND `' . $this->column_user_password . '` = "' . $this->functions($this->crypt, $password) . '" AND `' . $this->column_user_free . '` = "j"');
if ($this->db->num_rows($result)!=0)
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
$this->id = $row['id'];
$this->username = $row['username'];
if ($this->type == 'session')
$_SESSION['id'] = $row['id'];
$this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_user . '` SET `' . $this->column_user_last_on . '` = ' . time());
return true;
return false;
function login_id($id)
if (!is_numeric($id))
return false;
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_user . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_user_id . '` = ' . $id);
if ($this->db->num_rows($result)!=0)
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
$this->id = $row['id'];
$this->username = $row['username'];
if ($this->type=='session')
$_SESSION['id'] = $row['id'];
$this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_user . '` SET `' . $this->column_user_last_on . '` = ' . time());
return true;
return false;
function logout()
if ($this->type=='session')
$_SESSION = array('layout' => 'saienns');
$this->id = '';
$this->username = '';
$this->rights = $this->standart_rights;
return true;
function load_rights()
if ($this->logged_in())
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_rights . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_rights_id . '` = ' . $this->id);
if ($this->db->num_rows($result) != 0)
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
$this->rights = $row;
return true;
$this->rights = $this->standart_rights;
return true;
* @param string||array $right If the user has ALL rights, in the array or the right in the string, then true else false
function has_right($right)
if (!is_array($right))
if (array_key_exists($right, $this->rights) AND $this->rights[$right]=='j')
return true;
return false;
foreach ($right as $value)
if (array_key_exists($value, $this->rights) AND $this->rights[$value]=='j')
return true;
return false;
function has_rights($rights)
if (is_array($rights))
foreach ($rights as $value)
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->rights))
return false;
if ($this->rights[$value]=='n')
return false;
return true;
return false;
* @param string $right The right to give. Non existing rights will be ignored without error
* @todo add missing column of right or spread errors around the net XDDDDD
function give_right($right)
if (!is_array($right))
if (array_key_exists($right, $this->rights) AND $this->rights[$right]=='n')
$this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_rights . '` SET `' . $right . '` = "j" WHERE `' . $this->column_rights_id . '` = ' . $this->id);
foreach ($right as $value)
if (array_key_exists($value, $this->rights) AND $this->rights[$value]=='n')
$this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_rights . '` SET `' . $value . '` = "j" WHERE `' . $this->column_rights_id . '` = ' . $this->id);
return true;
* same as above!
function remove_right($right)
if (!is_array($right))
if (array_key_exists($right, $this->rights) AND $this->rights[$right]=='j')
$this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_rights . '` SET `' . $right . '` = "n" WHERE `' . $this->column_rights_id . '` = ' . $this->id);
foreach ($right as $value)
if (array_key_exists($value, $this->rights) AND $this->rights[$value]=='j')
$this->db->query('UPDATE `' . $this->table_rights . '` SET `' . $value . '` = "n" WHERE `' . $this->column_rights_id . '` = ' . $this->id);
return true;
function right_exists($right)
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_rights . '` LIMIT 0, 1');
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
if (array_key_exists(htmlentities($right), $row))
return true;
return false;
* @param string $right The right to add to the database
* @return true if everything worked fine (no error, if the right already exists)
function create_right($right)
if (!$this->right_exists($right))
$this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $this->table_rights . '` ADD `' . $right . '` CHAR( 1 ) DEFAULT "n" NOT NULL');
return true;
* same as above
function delete_right($right)
if ($this->right_exists($right))
$this->db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $this->table_rights . '` DROP `' . $right . '` ');
return true;
// Funktion gibt eine schöne Zeile mit Usernamen + diff Links zurück
function get_Stat_line()
$Stat_line = '' . $this->get_username() . '';
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM illus WHERE user_id=' . $this->get_id() . ' AND free=1');
if ($this->is_Crew())
$Stat_line .= ' [Crew]';
if ($this->db->num_rows($result)!=0)
$Stat_line .= ' [Gallery]';
$Stat_line .= ' [Nachricht senden]';
return $Stat_line;
function get_id()
return $this->id;
function get_username()
return $this->username;
function get_last_on()
if ($this->logged_in())
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT `' . $this->column_user_last_on . '` FROM `' . $this->table_user . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_user_id . '`=' . $this->id);
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
return $row[$this->column_user_last_on];
return false;
function get_paid_money()
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT SUM(Betrag) FROM paid WHERE user_id=' . $this->get_id());
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
$row = $row['SUM(Betrag)'];
if ($row > 0)
if (strlen($row) > 2)
$result = substr($row, 0, strlen($row)-2);
$result = '0';
$result .= ',';
$result .= substr($row, strlen($row)-2);
$result = '0,00';
$result .= ' €';
return $result;
function is_free($username)
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT `' . $this->column_user_free . '` FROM `' . $this->table_user . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_user_username . '` LIKE "' . $this->db->real_escape_string($username) . '"');
$row = $this->db->fetch_assoc($result);
if ($row[$this->column_user_free] == 'j')
return true;
return false;
function is_Crew()
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $this->table_rights . '` WHERE `' . $this->column_rights_id . '`=' . $this->id);
if ($this->db->num_rows($result)!=0)
return true;
return false;
function logged_in()
if ($this->type != 'session')
if($this->id != '')
return true;
return false;
elseif ($this->type == 'session')
if (isset($_SESSION['id']) AND $_SESSION['id'] != '' AND $_SESSION['id'] != 0)
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Is used for using the md5 or sha1-function in the MySQL-query
* private for not being used outside (in the end, it's jut used once ^^")
private function functions($function, $param)
return $function($param);