open = mysql_connect($this->hostname, $this->username, $this->password);
if (!$this->open)
echo "MySQL-Error #: " . mysql_errno() . "\n
\nMySQL-Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n
$this->select = mysql_select_db($this->database);
if (!$this->select)
echo "MySQL-Error #: " . mysql_errno() . "\n
\nMySQL-Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n
return $this->select;
# Query the database for requested information
# Timer for calculation of query-speed is started and number of queries is counted
# If any error occurs return error number and error message otherwise the result
function query($mysqldbQuery)
$sql_starttime = microtime();
$this->query = mysql_query($mysqldbQuery);
$sql_endtime = microtime();
$GLOBALS['class']['sql_gentime'] = round(($sql_endtime - $sql_starttime), 3) + $GLOBALS['class']['sql_gentime'];
if ($this->query == false)
echo "MySQL-Error #: " . mysql_errno() . "\n
\nMySQL-Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n
\nMySQL-Query: " . $mysqldbQuery . "\n
return $this->query;
# If returned query needs to be processed in an array it will be fetched and result will be returned
# Check if an argument is given or if the function is called seperately
function fetch($fetchedQuery)
$fetchedQuery == 0 ? $this->fetch = mysql_fetch_array($this->query) : $this->fetch = mysql_fetch_array($fetchedQuery);
return $this->fetch;
# If affected rows from a query are needed this function will handle it
# Check if an argument is given or if the function is called seperately
function num_rows($numrowsQuery)
$numrowsQuery == 0 ? $this->num_rows = mysql_num_rows($this->query) : $this->num_rows = mysql_num_rows($numrowsQuery);
return $this->num_rows;
# Disconnect from the database
# If any error occurs return error number and error message otherwise the result
function shut()
$this->shut = mysql_close($this->open);
if (!$this->shut)
echo "MySQL-Error #: " . mysql_errno() . "\n
\nMySQL-Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n
return $this->shut;
# Initiate the class
$mysql = new mysql();
# This class offers several functions which are used on almost every section
# MySQL-related stuff is also needed in this class so it must be transmitted
class tools extends mysql
# For statistic-purposes return number of page-requests in the last 24 hours
# (with some help from Ian Brooks at
function usage()
# Connect to database and delete all entries which are outdated
FROM server_usage
WHERE time < " . (time() - 86400));
# Insert a new entry in the database and query the new number of entries
# Disconnect from the database and return the number
INTO server_usage (time, ip)
VALUES (" . time() . ", '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "')");
$this->query("SELECT time
FROM server_usage");
return $this->num_rows;
# For statistic-purposes this returns the MySQL-version
function version()
# Query the database for MySQL-version and fetch the result
# Returned string contains "-log" at the end so cut it off
$build = $this->fetch($this->query("SELECT VERSION()"));
$this->version = substr($build[0], 0, -4);
return $this->version;
# Initiate the class
$tool = new tools();
$mysql->query("SELECT id
FROM news");
$mysql->query("SELECT cid
FROM comments");
echo '
# Queries: ' . $class['sql_queries'];
echo '
Query-Time: ' . $class['sql_gentime'] . '
echo '
# Queries: ' . $class['sql_queries'];
echo '
Query-Time: ' . $class['sql_gentime'];