$band = 17;
$band = 160;
// 3.5 or 3.8 MHz
elseif (ereg('^3',$frequency))
$band = 80;
// 7.0 or 7.1 MHz
elseif (ereg('^7',$frequency))
$band = 40;
// 10.1 MHz
elseif (ereg('^10',$frequency))
$band = 30;
// 14 MHz
elseif (ereg('^14',$frequency))
$band = 20;
// 21 MHz
elseif (ereg('^21',$frequency))
$band = 15;
// 24 MHz
elseif (ereg('^24',$frequency))
$band = 12;
// 28 MHz
elseif (ereg('^28',$frequency))
$band = 10;
// 29 MHz FM
elseif (ereg('^29',$frequency))
$band = 10;
// 50 MHz
elseif (ereg('^50',$frequency))
$band = 6;
$band = 0;
return $band;
// Function to read a Cabrillo file and insert each QSO into the database
// Parameters:
// $file - file pointer of Cabrillo file being read
// $qso_count - (global) number of QSOs read
// $connection - Database connection
// $dxcallsign - FK to logbook
function processCabrilloFile ($file, &$qso_count, $connection, $dxcallsign)
// Initialise the array
$qso_data = array ('freq' => '',
'mode' => '',
'call' => '');
// Read the Cabrillo file until we reach the "CONTEST:" tag
while (fscanf ($file,"%s %s",&$tag, &$value))
if (!strcasecmp($tag, "CONTEST:"))
// Read the contest type so that we can parse the file
$contest_type = $value;
echo "
Cabrillo Contest type is $contest_type
// Continue until the CONTEST: tag is reached
// Keep a count of the number of QSOs added to the database
$qso_count = 0;
// Read each line of the log file
while ($s = fgets ($file,1024))
$line = explode (' ', $s);
// Skip Cabrillo header lines
if (!strcasecmp($line[0], "QSO:"))
// Read one line of QSO data from the Cabrillo file
readCabrilloQSO ($contest_type, $s, &$qso_data);
// Continue reading until the "QSO" tag
// Convert frequency to band
$band = convertFrequencyBand ($qso_data['freq']);
// Trap unknown bands error
if ($band == 0)
$freq = $qso_data['freq'];
echo "
Error - Frequency to Band conversion failed - frequency: $freq
echo "No QSOs loaded\n";
echo "
Return to Log Upload Page\n";
// Cabrillo logs contain mode as "CW/PH/RY"
// Convert PH to SSB
if (!strcasecmp($qso_data['mode'],"PH"))
$qso_data['mode'] = 'SSB';
// Convert RY to DIG
if (!strcasecmp($qso_data['mode'],"RY"))
$qso_data['mode'] = 'DIG';
// Insert QSO into the database
$query = "INSERT INTO qsos SET id = 0, " .
"callsign = \"" . $qso_data['call'] . "\" , " .
"op_mode = \"" . $qso_data['mode'] . "\" , " .
"band = \"" . $band . "\" , " .
"fk_dxstn = \"" . $dxcallsign . "\" ";
if (!(@ mysql_query ($query, $connection)))
// Function to read one line of QSO data from the AIF file
// Parameters:
// $string - first valid line from file ( or
// $qso_data - array to put parsed data into
// $band_found - boolean flag for tag
// $freq_found - boolean flag for tag
// $qsl_found -
function readADIFQSO ($string, &$qso_data, &$band_found, &$freq_found)
$string = strtoupper ($string);
// Read Callsign
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['call']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['call']);
// Read Band
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['band']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['band']);
// Strip the 'M off e.g. 40M
if (($pos = strpos ($qso_data['band'], 'M')) != NULL)
$qso_data['band'][$pos] = ' ';
// Read Mode
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['mode']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['mode']);
switch ($qso_data['mode'])
// Convert all Digital modes to 'DIG'
case "PSK31":
case "PSK63":
case "BPSK31":
case "BPSK63":
case "RTTY":
case "MFSK16":
case "WSJT":
case "FSK441":
case "JT6M":
$qso_data['mode'] = "DIG";
// Convert all Phone modes to SSB
case "USB":
case "LSB":
case "AM":
$qso_data['mode'] = "SSB";
case "FM":
$qso_data['mode'] = "FM";
// Read NAME
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['dok']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['dok']);
// Read NAME
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['loc']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['loc']);
// Read NAME
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['date']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['date']);
// Read NAME
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['rst_send']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['rst_send']);
// Read NAME
if ($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['rst_rcvd']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['rst_rcvd']);
//---------------------------------------------%s ", $length,$time);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$time);
$qso_data['time'] = $time."00";
// Read Frequency (e.g. if Band is not present in the record)
if (($s = stristr($string,"%s ", $length,$qso_data['freq']);
if ($values != 2)
sscanf ($s, "%s ", $length,$dummy,$qso_data['freq']);
// Function to read an ADIF file and insert each QSO into the database
function processADIFFile ($file, &$qso_count, $connection, $string, $dxcallsign)
$EOR = 0;
$band_found = 0;
$freq_found = 0;
$blank_line = 1;
$qso_data = array ('time' => '',
'rst_send' => '',
'rst_rcvd' => '',
'date' => '',
'loc' => '',
'dok' => '',
'band' => '',
'mode' => '',
'freq' => '',
'call' => '');
// Can enter this procedure with $string set to either which is a valid QSO
// which needs to be processed or set to in which case we need to read any blank
// lines until the first QSO
if (stristr($string,""))
// Skip any blank lines
while ($string == "\n" || $string == "\r\n")
$string = fgets ($file, 1024);
// process the first valid ADIF line
readADIFQSO ($string, &$qso_data, &$band_found, &$freq_found);//
while (($string = fgets ($file,1024)))
// Skip any blank lines
if ($string == "\n" || $string == "\r\n")
while (!$EOR)
readADIFQSO ($string, &$qso_data, &$band_found, &$freq_found);//
// Check for End of Record
if (stristr($string,""))
$EOR = 1;
$string = fgets($file,1024);
// End of Record. If no data has been found then
// convert the frequency to band
if ($band_found == 0)
// Convert the frequency to band
$qso_data['band'] = convertFrequencyBand ($qso_data['freq']);
// Insert QSO into the database
$query = "INSERT INTO qsos SET id = 0, " .
"callsign = \"" . $qso_data['call'] . "\" , " .
"op_mode = \"" . $qso_data['mode'] . "\" , " .
"band = \"" . $qso_data['band'] . "\" , " .
"dok = \"" . $qso_data['dok'] . "\" , " .
"loc = \"" . $qso_data['loc'] . "\" , " .
"date = \"" . $qso_data['date'] . "\" , " .
"rst_send = \"" . $qso_data['rst_send'] . "\" , " .
"rst_rcvd = \"" . $qso_data['rst_rcvd'] . "\" , " .
"time = \"" . $qso_data['time'] . "\" , " .
"fk_dxstn = \"" . $dxcallsign . "\" ";
$band_found = 0;
$freq_found = 0;
$EOR = 0;
if (!(@ mysql_query ($query, $connection)))
$uploaddir = 'h:/wamp/www/logauswertung/logs/';
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploaddir . $_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
} else {
// Start of Main Program
$valid_file = 0;
$file_type = "unknown";
// Record the start time of the script
$start = microtime();
sscanf ($start,"%s %s",&$microseconds,&$seconds);
$start_time = $seconds + $microseconds;
// Read data posted from form
$browser_name = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
$temp_name = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
$dxcallsign = $_POST['callsign'];
// Connect to the database
if (!($connection = @ mysql_connect ($hostName,
die ("Could not connect to database");
if (!mysql_select_db ($databaseName, $connection))
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "Upload Log";
echo "";
echo "";
// Was a log file uploaded?
if ($_FILES['userfile']['name'])
echo "File Upload $browser_name
echo "Filename - $browser_name\n";
echo "
DX Callsign - $dxcallsign\n";
// Open the log file
if (!($file = fopen ($uploaddir .$_FILES['userfile']['name'], "r")))//uploaddir added
die ("Could not open the log file $file\n");
//anderungen ende
// Read the first line
$string = fgets ($file, 1024);
// Check that it is a Cabrillo File
if (stristr($string, "START-OF-LOG:"))
// Process Cabrillo file
processCabrilloFile ($file,&$qso_count, $connection, $dxcallsign);
$file_type = "CABRILLO";
// Check if it is an ADIF file
elseif (stristr($string, "") || stristr($string,"") || stristr($string,"Error - Unable to upload file: $browser_name\n";
echo "Invalid Cabrillo or ADIF file\n";
echo "
No QSOs loaded\n";
echo '
Return to Log Upload Page';
// Record the end time of the script
$end = microtime();
sscanf ($end,"%s %s",&$microseconds,&$seconds);
$end_time = $seconds + $microseconds;
// Calculate elapsed time for the script
$elapsed = $end_time - $start_time;
sscanf ($elapsed,"%5f", &$elapsed_time);
// Determine the callsign for these logs
$query = "SELECT dxcallsign from dxstation where id=$dxcallsign";
if (!($result = @ mysql_query ($query, $connection)))
$row = @ mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$callsign = $row['dxcallsign'];
echo "
File type loaded: $file_type";
echo "
A total of $qso_count QSOs were added to the database ";
echo "for callsign $callsign
echo "Elapsed time = $elapsed_time seconds";
// Count the total number of QSOs in the database
$query = "SELECT count(*) from qsos";
if (!($result = @ mysql_query ($query, $connection)))
$row = @ mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$total_qso_count = $row['count(*)'];
echo "
There are now $total_qso_count QSOs in the database
// Save details of the uploaded file
$query = "INSERT INTO logfiles SET id = 0, " .
"filename = \"" . $browser_name . "\" , " .
"qsos = \"" . $qso_count . "\" , " .
"filetype = \"" . $file_type . "\" , " .
"loaded = NOW()";
if (!(@ mysql_query ($query, $connection)))
// No file uploaded
echo "
No file Uploaded
echo 'Return to Log Upload Page
if (!mysql_close ($connection))
echo "";
echo "";