$Seller = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$Seller = array();
$atype = intval($Data[auction_type]);
// calculate: increment and mimimum bid value
// determine max bid for this auction
// höchstes momentanes Gebot für diese Auktion holen
$result = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(bid) AS maxbid FROM bids WHERE auction='$id' GROUP BY auction");
$high_bid = 0;
if ($result)
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
$high_bid = mysql_result($result,0,"maxbid");
// Erhöhungsschritt aus der Datenbank holen
$query = "SELECT increment FROM increments WHERE".
"((low<=$high_bid AND high>=$high_bid) OR".
"(low<$high_bid AND high<$high_bid)) ORDER BY increment DESC";
$result_incr = mysql_query ( $query );
if(mysql_num_rows($result_incr) != 0)
$increment = mysql_result ( $result_incr, 0, "increment" );
$minimum_bid = $Data["minimum_bid"];
// wenn noch kein Gebot vorliegt, dann das erste Gebot setzen, ...
if ($high_bid==0)
$next_bid = $minimum_bid;
// wenn doch, dann Gebot _PLUS_ Erhöhungsschritt
$next_bid = $high_bid + $increment;
/* else: such auction does exist.
if called from item.php - then transfer passed data
if called - check data/username/password and then execute autobid
if (empty($action) )
// no "action" specified
$display_bid_form = true;
// an action specified: check for data and perform corresponding actions
BM 31.10.2001
1. In $high_bid steht jetzt der höchste Wert aus dem Feld "bid" der Tabelle "bids"
2. In $minimum_bid steht jetzt der Wert des Feldes "minimum_bid" der Tabelle "auctions" (Startpreis)
3. In $next_bid steht jetzt der Betrag des aktuellen Mindesgebotes
// Kommas gegen Punkt austauschen
$newbid = $bid;
$bid = str_replace(",",".",$newbid);
if ($bid<$next_bid)
$flr = "607";
// check if number of items is OK
if ( ($atype==2) && (!isset($flr)) )
if ( (intval($qty)==0) || (intval($qty)>intval($Data["quantity"])) )
$flr = "608";
// check if nickname and password entered
if ( !isset($flr) )
if ( strlen($nick)==0 || strlen($password)==0 )
$flr = "610";
// Schwarze Liste des Verkäufers prüfen
if ( !isset($flr) )
$query = "SELECT * FROM blacklist WHERE user='".$Seller["id"]."' AND dis_user='".$nick."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result)
$n = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($n > 0)
$flr = "621";
$flr = "001";
// check if nick is valid
if ( !isset($flr) )
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE nick='".addslashes($nick)."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$n = 0;
if ($result)
$n = mysql_num_rows($result);
$flr = "001";
if ( !isset($flr) )
if ($n==0)
$flr = "609";
if($n > 0)
$bidder_id = mysql_result($result,0,"id");
// check if password is correct
if ( !isset($flr) )
$pwd = mysql_result($result,0,"password");
if ($pwd != md5($MD5_PREFIX.$password))
$flr = "611";
if(mysql_result($result,0,"suspended") > 0)
$flr = "618";
// Check if Auction is suspended
if ( !isset($flr) )
$query2 = "SELECT suspended FROM auctions WHERE id='$id'";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
if (mysql_result($result2, 0, "suspended") > 0)
$flr = "619";
// check if bidder is not the seller
if ( !isset($flr) )
$bidderID = mysql_result($result,0,"id");
if ( $bidderID == $Seller["id"] )
$flr = "612";
// check if this user isn't winning now
if ( !isset($flr) )
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bids WHERE auction='$id' ORDER BY bid DESC");
$auctionBIDS = $result;
$n = 0;
if ($result)
$n = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($n>0)
$bidder = mysql_result($result,0,"bidder");
$moment_bid = mysql_result($result,0,"bid");
if (($bidder == $bidderID) AND ($next_bid <= $moment_bid))
$flr = "613";
$flr = "001";
// perform final actions
if ( isset($flr) )
$display_bid_form = true;
$TPL_errmsg = ${"ERR_".$flr};
$send_email = 0;
// Send e-mail to the old winner if necessary
// Check if there's a previous winner and get his/her data
$query = "select bidder,bid,maxbid from bids where auction=\"$id\" order by maxbid desc";
$result = mysql_query($query);
print $flr_001."
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
$send_email = 1;
$OldWinner_id = mysql_result($result,0,"bidder");
$OldWinner_bid = mysql_result($result,0,"bid");
// BEG BM 31.10.2001
$OldWinner_maxbid = mysql_result($result,0,"maxbid");
// END BM 31.10.2001
$query = "select * from users where id=\"$OldWinner_id\"";
$result_old_winner = mysql_query($query);
print $flr_001."
$OldWinner_nick = mysql_result($result_old_winner,0,"nick");
$OldWinner_name = mysql_result($result_old_winner,0,"name");
$OldWinner_email = mysql_result($result_old_winner,0,"email");
// BEG BM 31.10.2001
// schauen, ob ein Agentgebot höher ist als das eigene Gebot...
if ($bid <= $OldWinner_maxbid)
include "header.php";
$send_email = 0;
print "