Upload File Download File Return to $websitename

Powered by PHP Uploader Downloader "; break; case "download": echo " File Download Upload File Return to $websitename"; $list = ""; $list .= ""; $dir = opendir($absolute_path); while($file = readdir($dir)) { if (($file != "..") and ($file != ".")) { //Download files with spaces fix by Kokesh $list .= ""; } } $list .= "
Click To Download
"; echo $list; echo"

Powered by PHP Uploader Downloader "; break; case "upload": echo" File Upload

File to upload:

Powered by PHP Uploader Downloader "; break; //File Upload case "doupload": $dir = "dir"; if ($file != "") { if (file_exists("$absolute_path/$file_name")) { die("File already exists"); } if (($sizelimit == "yes") && ($file_size > $sizebytes)) { die("File is to big. It must be $sizebytes bytes or less."); } $ext = strrchr($file_name,'.'); if (($extlimit == "yes") && (!in_array($ext,$limitedext))) { die("The file you are uploading doesn't have the correct extension."); } @copy($file, "$absolute_path/$file_name") or die("The file you are trying to upload couldn't be copied to the server"); } else { die("Must select file to upload"); } echo " File Uploaded "; echo $file_name." was uploaded"; echo "
Upload Another File Download File Return to $websitename

Powered by PHP Uploader Downloader "; break; } ?>