die("This version of the script requires PHP 4.0.0 or higher.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Settings (change if necessary)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Highlight matched words in results
$Highlighting = 1; // 0 = off, 1 = on
$HighlightColor = "#B9E5FB"; // Highlight colour
// Set this to your template HTML page
// (for the formatting and location of the search form)
$TemplateFilename = "search_template.html";
// The options available in the dropdown menu for number of results
// per page
$PerPageOptions = array(10, 20, 50, 100);
$FormFormat = 2; //0 = No search form (note that you must pass parameters to
// the script directly from elsewhere on your website).
//1 = Basic search form
//2 = Advanced search form (with options)
$ZoomInfo = 0; //0 = Don't display Zoom info line at bottom of search
//1 = Display Zoom info line at bottom of search
$OutputStyle = 1; //0 = Basic Style, Page Title, Score and URL
//1 = Descriptive Style, Match number, Page Title,
// Page description, Score and URL
$Logging = 1; //0 = No logging of words that a user enter.
//1 = Words are logged to a file for later analysis. (See
// documentation for file permission issues)
//Path and File name of search word log file
$LogFileName = "./logs/searchwords.log";
// Maximum line length of a single line in the KeyWords file.
// Increase, if required, so that
// MaxKeyWordLineLen >= Number of web pages in site * 6
$MaxKeyWordLineLen = 4000;
$WordSplit = 0; //0 = Only split input search phrase into words when a
// Space character is found
//1 = Split input search phrase at Space ' ',
// UnderScore '_' , Dash '-' and Plus '+' characters
$Timing = 1; // 0 = do not perform timing on searches
// 1 = perform timing and display results at bottom of page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameter initilisation (necessary since PHP 4.2.0 and later
// prefers register_globals to be off)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For versions of PHP before 4.1.0
// we will emulate the superglobals by creating references
// NOTE: references created are NOT superglobals
if (!isset($_SERVER) && isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS))
if (!isset($_GET) && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS))
if (!isset($_POST) && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS))
// check if magic_quotes are on for Get/Post/Cookie variables
// and fix accordingly (we don't use cookies so we leave them out)
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET))
$_GET["$key"] = stripslashes($value);
while (list($key, $value) = each($_POST))
$_POST["$key"] = stripslashes($value);
// check magic_quotes for runtime stuff (reading from files, etc)
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() == 1)
// for compatibility with Zoom < 2.0 HTML forms
// using the POST 'searchword' parameter
if (isset($_POST['searchword']))
$query = $_POST['searchword'];
// we use the method=GET and 'query' parameter now (for sub-result pages etc)
if (isset($_GET['zoom_query']))
$query = rtrim($_GET['zoom_query']);
// number of results per page, defaults to 10 if not specified
if (isset($_GET['zoom_per_page']))
$per_page = $_GET['zoom_per_page'];
$per_page = 20;
// current result page number, defaults to the first page if not specified
if (isset($_GET['zoom_page']))
$page = $_GET['zoom_page'];
$page = 1;
// AND operator.
// 1 if we are searching for ALL terms
// 0 if we are searching for ANY terms (default)
if (isset($_GET['zoom_and']))
$and = $_GET['zoom_and'];
$and = 1;
function PrintEndOfTemplate($template, $line) {
global $ZoomInfo;
//Let others know about Zoom.
if ($ZoomInfo == 1)
echo "\n
Search powered by the Zoom Search Engine
//Print out the end of the template
while ($line < count($template)) {
echo $template[$line];
function PrintHighlightDescription($line) {
global $matchwords;
global $matchwords_num;
global $HighlightColor;
$res = $line;
for ($i = 0; $i < $matchwords_num; $i++) {
// replace with marker text, assumes [;:] and [:;] is not the search text...
$res = preg_replace("|\b(" .quotemeta($matchwords[$i]) . ")\b|iU", "[;:]\\1[:;]", $res);
// replace the marker text with the html text
// this is to avoid finding previous 'ed text.
$res = str_replace("[;:]", "", $res);
$res = str_replace("[:;]", "", $res);
print $res;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compares the two values, used for sorting output results
// Results that match all search terms are put first, highest score
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SortCompare ($a, $b) {
if ($a[2] < $b[2])
return 1;
if ($a[2] > $b[2])
return -1;
else {
if ($a[1] < $b[1])
return 1;
if ($a[1] > $b[1])
return -1;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Translates a typical shell wildcard pattern ("zoo*" => "zoom" etc.)
// to a regular expression pattern. Supports only '*' and '?' characters.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function pattern2regexp($pattern) {
$i = 0;
$len = strlen($pattern);
// add "\b" to res before and after the pattern, to ensure a distinct match
// eg: no word stemming
$res = "/\b";
while ($i < $len) {
$c = $pattern[$i];
if ($c == '*')
$res = $res . ".*";
if ($c == '?')
$res = $res . ".";
$res = $res . preg_quote($c, '/');
return $res . '\b/i';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main starts here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($Timing == 1) {
$mtime = explode(" ", microtime());
$starttime = doubleval($mtime[1]) + doubleval($mtime[0]);
//Open and print start of result page template
$template = file ($TemplateFilename);
$numtlines = count ($template); //Number of lines in the template
$line = 0;
while ($line < $numtlines) {
if (!stristr($template[$line], "")) {
echo $template[$line];
else {
// Replace the key text with the following
if ($FormFormat > 0)
// Insert the form
// Give up early if no search words provided
if (empty($query))
// only display 'no query' line if no form is shown
if ($FormFormat == 0)
print("No search query entered.
PrintEndOfTemplate($template, $line);
//Split search phrase into words
if ($WordSplit == 1)
$SearchWords = split ('[-_ +/=]', $query);
$SearchWords = split ('[ ]', $query);
// Load the entire pages file into an array, all URL's on the site
$urls = file ('zoom_pages.dat');
// Load the entire page titles file into an array
$titles = file ('zoom_titles.dat');
if ($OutputStyle == 1)
$descriptions = file ('zoom_descriptions.dat');
//Print heading
print "Suchergebnis \"$query\"";
//Open keywords file
$fpkeywords = fopen ("zoom_keywords.dat", "r");
if ($urls == FALSE || $titles == FALSE || $fpkeywords == FALSE) {
print("Can not find one or more of the Zoom index files.
Please make sure the generated index files are uploaded to the same path as this search script.
//Loop through all search words
$numwords = count ($SearchWords);
$outputline = 0;
$UseWildCards = 1; // default as using wildcard
if ($Highlighting == 1) {
$matchwords = array();
$matchwords_num = 0;
for ($sw = 0; $sw < $numwords; $sw++) {
// check whether there are any wildcards used
if (strstr($SearchWords[$sw], "*") == FALSE && strstr($SearchWords[$sw], "?") == FALSE)
$UseWildCards = 0;
$pattern = pattern2regexp($SearchWords[$sw]);
//Read in a line at a time from the keywords files
while ($data = fgetcsv ($fpkeywords, $MaxKeyWordLineLen, ",")) {
// if we're not using wildcards, direct match
if ($UseWildCards == 0)
$result = strcasecmp($SearchWords[$sw], $data[0]);
else // if we have wildcards...
$result = !(preg_match($pattern, $data[0]));
if ($result == 0) {
//Keyword found, so include it in the output list
if ($Highlighting == 1) {
// Add to matched words list
if (!in_array($data[0], $matchwords)) {
$matchwords[$matchwords_num] = $data[0];
$num = count ($data);
for ($kw=1; $kw < $num; $kw +=2) {
//Check if page is already in output list
$pageexists = 0;
$ipage = $data[$kw];
for ($ol = 0; $ol < $outputline; $ol++) {
if ($output[$ol][0] == $ipage) {
//Page is already in output list, so add to count + extra
if ($output[$ol][1] > 10000) {
// take it easy if its too big (to prevent huge scores)
$output[$ol][1] += 1;
} else {
$output[$ol][1] += $data[$kw+1]; //Add in score
$output[$ol][1] *= 2; //Double Score as we have two words matching
$output[$ol][2] += 1; //Increase word match count
$pageexists = 1;
if ($pageexists == 0) {
//New page to add to list
$output[$outputline][0] = $ipage; //Page index
$output[$outputline][1] = $data[$kw+1]; //Score
$output[$outputline][2] = 1; //Single word match only so far
if ($UseWildCards == 0)
break; //This search word was found, so skip to next
//Return to start of file
rewind ($fpkeywords);
//Close the files
fclose ($fpkeywords);
//Get number of pages matched
$matches = $outputline;
//Sort results in order of score, use the "SortCompare" function
if ($matches > 1)
usort ($output, "SortCompare");
//Count number of output lines that match ALL search terms
$oline = 0;
$fullmatches = 0;
while (($oline < $matches) && $numwords > 1) {
if ($output[$oline][2] == $numwords) {
} else if ($and == 1) {
// AND search
// Remove the not-AND result
if ($and == 1 && $numwords > 1) {
// we need to re-index the array
$output = array_values($output);
// and the matches now are only the number of fullmatches
$matches = count($output);
//Display search result information
print "";
if ($matches == 1)
print "<
Der Suchbegriff erzielte 1 Treffer.
if ($matches == 0)
print "
Leider keine Treffer gefunden.
if ($numwords > 1 && $and == 0) {
$SomeTermMatches = $matches - $fullmatches;
print "
$fullmatches Seiten wurden gefunden, die alle Suchbegriffe beinhalten. ";
if ($SomeTermMatches > 0)
print "
$SomeTermMatches Seiten wurden gefunden, die einige Suchbegriffe beinhalten.";
print "
if ($numwords > 1 && $and == 1) //AND
print "
$fullmatches Seiten wurden gefunden, die alle Suchbegriffe beinhalten.
print "
Der Suchbegriff erzielte $matches Treffer.
if ($matches < 3 && $and == 1 && $numwords > 1) {
print "
Sie können vielleicht mehr Treffer erzielen, wenn Sie mit allen Suchbegriffen suchen.
print "\n";
// Number of pages of results
$num_pages = ceil($matches / $per_page);
if ($num_pages > 1)
print "
Ergebnisse verteilt auf $num_pages Seiten.
// Determine current line of result from the $output array
if ($page == 1) {
$arrayline = 0;
} else {
$arrayline = (($page - 1) * $per_page);
// The last result to show on this page
$result_limit = $arrayline + $per_page;
// Display the results
while ($arrayline < $matches && $arrayline < $result_limit) {
$ipage = $output[$arrayline][0];
$score = $output[$arrayline][1];
if ($OutputStyle == 0) {
//Basic style
print ""."Page: ".rtrim($titles[$ipage])."
print "Score: " . $score ."
else {
//Descriptive style
print "".($arrayline+1).". ".rtrim($titles[$ipage])."
if ($Highlighting == 1)
print rtrim($descriptions[$ipage]);
print "...
print "
Suchbegriff enthalten: ". $output[$arrayline][2]. " Score: " . $score ."
URL: ".rtrim($urls[$ipage])."
// Show links to other result pages
if ($num_pages > 1) {
print "Weitere Ergebnisse:
if ($page > 1)
print "<< zurück ";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) {
if ($i == $page) {
print $page." ";
} else {
print "".$i." ";
if ($page != $num_pages)
print "weiter >> ";
if ($Timing == 1) {
$mtime = explode(" ", microtime());
$endtime = doubleval($mtime[1]) + doubleval($mtime[0]);
$difference = abs($starttime - $endtime);
print "
Die Suche dauerte: " . number_format($difference, 5, '.', '') . " Sekunden\n";
//Print out the end of the template
PrintEndOfTemplate($template, $line);
//Log the search words, if required
if ($Logging == 1) {
$LogString = Date("d-m-y, H:i:s") . ", " . $REMOTE_ADDR . ", " . " \"" .$query . "\"" . ", Matches = " . $matches;
if ($and == 1)
$LogString = $LogString . ", AND\n";
$LogString = $LogString . ", OR\n";
$fp = fopen ($LogFileName, "a");
if ($fp != false) {
fputs ($fp, $LogString);
fclose ($fp);