"") { $userfile = "none"; if (file_exists($image_upload_path.$sessionVars["SELL_pict_url"])) { unlink($image_upload_path.$sessionVars["SELL_pict_url"]); } } if ($sessionVars["SELL_pict_url2"] <> "") { $userfile2 = "none"; if (file_exists($image_upload_path.$sessionVars["SELL_pict_url2"])) { unlink($image_upload_path.$sessionVars["SELL_pict_url2"]); } } if ($sessionVars["SELL_pict_url3"] <> "") { $userfile3 = "none"; if (file_exists($image_upload_path.$sessionVars["SELL_pict_url3"])) { unlink($image_upload_path.$sessionVars["SELL_pict_url3"]); } } unset($sessionVars["SELL_file_uploaded"]); $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url"] = $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url_original"]; putSessionVars(); } $title = $sessionVars["SELL_title"]; $description = $sessionVars["SELL_description"]; $pict_url = $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url_original"]; $atype = $sessionVars["SELL_atype"]; $iquantity = $sessionVars["SELL_iquantity"]; $minimum_bid = $sessionVars["SELL_minimum_bid"]; $with_reserve = ($sessionVars["SELL_with_reserve"])?"ja":"nein"; $payment = $sessionVars["SELL_payment"]; $duration = $sessionVars["SELL_duration"]; $country = $sessionVars["SELL_country"]; $location_zip = $sessionVars["SELL_location_zip"]; $shipping = $sessionVars["SELL_shipping"]; $international = ($sessionVars["SELL_international"])?"ja":"nein"; $category1 = $sessionVars["SELL_category"]; $imgtype = $sessionVars["SELL_imgtype"]; $zustand = $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"]; $fett = $sessionVars["SELL_fett"]; $marker = $sessionVars["SELL_marker"]; $topkat = $sessionVars["SELL_topkat"]; $bild2 = $sessionVars["SELL_bild2"]; $bild3 = $sessionVars["SELL_bild3"]; $artnr = $sessionVars["SELL_artnr"]; $fett_preis = $sessionVars["SELL_fettpreis"]; $marker_preis = $sessionVars["SELL_markerpreis"]; $topkat_preis = $sessionVars["SELL_topkatpreis"]; $bild2_preis = $sessionVars["SELL_bild2preis"]; $bild3_preis = $sessionVars["SELL_bild3preis"]; $buy_now = $sessionVars["SELL_buy_now"]; } else { // auction type reset($auction_types); list($atype,) = each($auction_types); // quantity of items $iquantity = 1; // country // BM 28.2. //reset($countries); //list($country,) = each($countries); // shipping $shipping = 1; // image type $imgtype = 1; $with_reserve = "nein"; } } // Oder Aktion = 'first' / Erstaufruf++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ elseif ($action=='first') { unset($auction_id); $ERR = "ERR_".CheckSellData(); // if no other errors - handle upload here if (!$$ERR) { unset($file_uploaded); // Auktions-ID generieren $auction_id = generate_id(); if ( $userfile <> "none" ) { $inf = GetImageSize ( $userfile ); if ($userfile2 <> "none") $inf2 = GetImageSize ( $userfile2 ); if ($userfile3 <> "none") $inf3 = GetImageSize ( $userfile3 ); $er = false; // make a check if ($inf) { $inf[2] = intval($inf[2]); // check for uploaded file type if ($userfile2 <> "none") $inf2[2] = intval($inf2[2]); if ($userfile3 <> "none") $inf3[2] = intval($inf3[2]); if ( ($inf[2]!=1) && ($inf[2]!=2) ) { $er = true; $ERR = "ERR_602"; } else { // check for file size if ( intval($userfile_size)>$MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE ) { $er = true; $ERR = "ERR_603"; } } if ($userfile2 <> "none") { if ( ($inf2[2]!=1) && ($inf2[2]!=2) ) { $er = true; $ERR = "ERR_602_2"; } else { // check for file size if ( intval($userfile2_size)>$MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE ) { $er = true; $ERR = "ERR_603_2"; } } } if ($userfile3 <> "none") { if ( ($inf2[2]!=1) && ($inf2[2]!=2) ) { $er = true; $ERR = "ERR_602_3"; } else { // check for file size if ( intval($userfile3_size)>$MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE ) { $er = true; $ERR = "ERR_603_3"; } } } } else { $ERR = "ERR_602"; $er = true; } if (!$er) { // Bild 1 wirklich speichern $ext = ($inf[2]==1)?".gif":".jpg"; $fname = $image_upload_path.$auction_id.$ext; if (file_exists($fname)) unlink ($fname); copy ($userfile, $fname); $uploaded_filename = $auction_id.$ext; $file_uploaded = true; // Bild 2 wirklich speichern if ($userfile2 <> "none") { $ext = ($inf[2]==1)?".gif":".jpg"; $fname = $image_upload_path.$auction_id."_2".$ext; if ( file_exists($fname) ) unlink ($fname); copy ( $userfile2, $fname ); $uploaded_filename2 = $auction_id."_2".$ext; $file_uploaded = true; } // Bild 3 wirklich speichern if ($userfile3 <> "none") { $ext = ($inf[2]==1)?".gif":".jpg"; $fname = $image_upload_path.$auction_id."_3".$ext; if ( file_exists($fname) ) unlink ($fname); copy ( $userfile3, $fname ); $uploaded_filename3 = $auction_id."_3".$ext; $file_uploaded = true; } } else { // Fehler!! unset($file_uploaded); $userfile2 = "none"; $userfile3 = "none"; } } else { unset($file_uploaded); $userfile2 = "none"; $userfile3 = "none"; } } } /* Erstaufruf oder Fehler in den Daten -> Eingabemaske nochmal anzeigen */ if ( empty($action) || (($action=='first')&&($$ERR)) ) { include "header.php"; $titleH = htmlspecialchars($title); $descriptionH = htmlspecialchars($description); $pict_urlH = htmlspecialchars($pict_url); // ------------------------------------- auction type $T= "\n"; $TPL_auction_type = $T; // ------------------------------------- duration //-- $query = "select * from durations order by days"; $res_durations = mysql_query($query); if(!$res_durations) { print $ERR_001." - ".mysql_error(); } $num_durations = mysql_num_rows($res_durations); $i = 0; $T= "\n"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories_plain"); if($result): while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $T.= " \n"; } endif; $T.="\n"; $TPL_categories_list = $T; // -------------------------------------- shipping if ( intval($shipping)==1 ) $TPL_shipping1_value = "CHECKED"; if ( intval($shipping)==2 ) $TPL_shipping2_value = "CHECKED"; if ( !empty($international) ) $TPL_international_value = "CHECKED"; // -------------------------------------- reserved price if ( $with_reserve=="ja" ) $TPL_with_reserve_selected = "CHECKED"; else $TPL_without_reserve_selected = "CHECKED"; // -------------------------------------- photo source if ( intval($imgtype)==1 ) $TPL_imgtype2_SELECTED = "CHECKED"; else $TPL_imgtype1_SELECTED = "CHECKED"; // bm 05.12.2001 -------------------- // -------------------------------------- features if ( !empty($fett) ) $TPL_fett_value = "CHECKED"; if ( !empty($marker) ) $TPL_marker_value = "CHECKED"; if ( !empty($topkat) ) $TPL_topkat_value = "CHECKED"; // ------------------------------------ $my_result = mysql_query("select * from features order by id"); $fett_preis = print_money(mysql_result($my_result,0,"value")); $marker_preis = print_money(mysql_result($my_result,1,"value")); $topkat_preis = print_money(mysql_result($my_result,2,"value")); $bild2_preis = print_money(mysql_result($my_result,3,"value")); $bild3_preis = print_money(mysql_result($my_result,4,"value")); $TPL_fett_preis = $fett_preis; $TPL_marker_preis = $marker_preis; $TPL_topkat_preis = $topkat_preis; $TPL_bild2_preis = $bild2_preis; $TPL_bild3_preis = $bild3_preis; $TPL_error_value = $$ERR; // update current session if ( isset($sessionVars["SELL_DATA_CORRECT"]) ) unset($sessionVars["SELL_DATA_CORRECT"]); putSessionVars(); $user_nick = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["$LOGGED_IN_NICK"]; $user_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE nick='$user_nick'"; $user_result = mysql_query($user_query); if ($user_result) { $location_zip = mysql_result($user_result,0,"zip"); $country = mysql_result($user_result,0,"city"); $frei = mysql_result($user_result,0,"suspended"); } if ($frei == 1) $TPL_suspended = "Achtung!
Sie haben Ihren Account noch nicht freigeschaltet oder er wurde gesperrt."; else $TPL_suspended = ""; // include corresponding templates/template and exit include "templates/template_sell_php.html"; include "footer.php"; exit; } // Erstaufruf und KEIN Fehler! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if ($action=="first" && !$$ERR) { $sessionVars["SELL_title"] = stripslashes($title); $sessionVars["SELL_description"] = stripslashes($description); // image URL if (!isset($file_uploaded)) { $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url"] = $pict_url; unset($sessionVars["SELL_original_filename"]); } else { // the URL is uploaded image $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url"] = $uploaded_filename; $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url2"] = $uploaded_filename2; $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url3"] = $uploaded_filename3; $sessionVars["SELL_original_filename"] = $userfile_name; } // data from "picture URL" input field $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url_original"] = $pict_url; // flag if file is uploaded if (!isset($file_uploaded)) unset($sessionVars["SELL_file_uploaded"]); else $sessionVars["SELL_file_uploaded"] = true; // auction type $sessionVars["SELL_atype"] = $atype; // quantity of items for sale $sessionVars["SELL_iquantity"] = $iquantity; // minimum bid $sessionVars["SELL_minimum_bid"] = $minimum_bid; // reserved price flag $sessionVars["SELL_with_reserve"] = ($with_reserve=="ja")?true:false; // reserved price value $sessionVars["SELL_reserve_price"] = $reserve_price; // auction duration $sessionVars["SELL_duration"] = $duration; // country $sessionVars["SELL_country"] = $country; // zip code $sessionVars["SELL_location_zip"] = $location_zip; // shipping method $sessionVars["SELL_shipping"] = $shipping; // international shipping $sessionVars["SELL_international"] = (strlen($international)==0)?false:true; // payment methods: text and index reset($payment); while(list($key,$val) = each($payment)) { $sessionVars["SELL_payment".$key] = $payment[$key]; //print "Session_var: ".$sessionVars["SELL_payment".$key]."
"; } // category ID $sessionVars["SELL_category"] = $category1; // auction id if (isset($auction_id)) $sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"] = $auction_id; else $sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"] = generate_id(); // image type $sessionVars["SELL_imgtype"] = $imgtype; // set that first step is passed $sessionVars["SELL_DATA_CORRECT"] = true; // bm 05.12.2001 ---------- // fett $sessionVars["SELL_fett"] = (strlen($fett)==0)?false:true; // marker $sessionVars["SELL_marker"] = (strlen($marker)==0)?false:true; // topkat $sessionVars["SELL_topkat"] = (strlen($topkat)==0)?false:true; // bild2 $sessionVars["SELL_bild2"] = ($userfile2 <> "none")?true:false; // bild3 $sessionVars["SELL_bild3"] = ($userfile3 <> "none")?true:false; // zustand $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] = $zustand; // Art.-Nr. $sessionVars["SELL_artnr"] = $artnr; $sessionVars["SELL_fettpreis"] = $fett_preis; $sessionVars["SELL_markerpreis"] = $marker_preis; $sessionVars["SELL_topkatpreis"] = $topkat_preis; $sessionVars["SELL_bild2preis"] = $bild2_preis; $sessionVars["SELL_bild3preis"] = $bild3_preis; // Einstellgebühren ermitteln $my_query = "SELECT * FROM insertfees WHERE". "((min_val<=$minimum_bid AND max_val>=$minimum_bid) OR". "(min_val<$minimum_bid AND max_val<$minimum_bid)) ORDER BY id DESC"; $my_result = mysql_query($my_query); $fee_value = mysql_result($my_result,0,"fee"); $sessionVars["SELL_fee_value"] = $fee_value; // ------------------------ $sessionVars["SELL_buy_now"] = $buy_now; putSessionVars(); # print "Sessions vars are put"; } // Preview wurde angezeigt -> Auktion jetzt einstellen +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Login und Passwort prüfen if ( $action=="second") { $nickH = htmlspecialchars($nick); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE nick='".AddSlashes($nick)."'"); if ($result) $num = mysql_num_rows($result); else $num = 0; if ($num==0) $ERR = "ERR_025"; if ($num>0) { $pass = mysql_result ($result,0,"password"); $user_id = mysql_result ($result,0,"id"); if (md5($MD5_PREFIX.$password) != $pass) { $ERR = "ERR_026"; } else { if(mysql_result($result,0,"suspended") > 0) { $ERR = "ERR_618"; } } } } // Erstaufruf und KEIN Fehler oder Fehler nach dem Preview absenden ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if ( ($action=="first" && !$$ERR) || ($action=="second" && $$ERR) ) { // Fehlertext $TPL_error = $$ERR; // Titel $TPL_title_value = htmlspecialchars($sessionVars["SELL_title"]); // description text $TPL_description_shown_value = stripslashes(nl2br($sessionVars["SELL_description"])); // picture URL if( intval($sessionVars["SELL_imgtype"])==0 ) { // print "URL"; // URL specified if ( strlen($sessionVars["SELL_pict_url_original"])==0 ) $TPL_pict_URL_value = $MSG_114; else $TPL_pict_URL_value = ""; } else { // a file uploaded if ( empty($sessionVars["SELL_file_uploaded"]) ) $TPL_pict_URL_value = $MSG_114; else $TPL_pict_URL_value = $sml_font."Bild 1:

"; if ($sessionVars["SELL_pict_url2"] <> "") $TPL_pict_URL_value .= $sml_font."Bild 2:

"; if ($sessionVars["SELL_pict_url3"] <> "") $TPL_pict_URL_value .= $sml_font."Bild 3:
"; } // minimum bid $TPL_minimum_bid_value = print_money($sessionVars["SELL_minimum_bid"]); $TPL_buy_now = print_money($sessionVars["SELL_buy_now"]); // reserved price if ($sessionVars["SELL_with_reserve"]) $TPL_reserve_price_displayed = "$std_font ".print_money($sessionVars["SELL_reserve_price"]).""; else $TPL_reserve_price_displayed = "$std_font nein "; // auction duration //-- $query = "select description from durations where days=".$sessionVars["SELL_duration"]; $res_duration_descr = mysql_query($query); $duration_descr = mysql_result($res_duration_descr,0,"description"); $TPL_durations_list = $duration_descr; // auction type $TPL_auction_type = $auction_types[$sessionVars["SELL_atype"]]; if ( intval($sessionVars["SELL_atype"])==2 ) $TPL_auction_type .= " $std_font Quantity: $std_font".$sessionVars["SELL_iquantity"].""; // country //$TPL_countries_list = $countries[$sessionVars["SELL_country"]]; $TPL_countries_list = $sessionVars["SELL_country"]; // zip code $TPL_location_zip = $sessionVars["SELL_location_zip"]; // shipping if ( intval($sessionVars["SELL_shipping"]) == 1 ) { $TPL_shipping_value = $MSG_038; } else { $TPL_shipping_value = $MSG_032; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_international"] ) { $TPL_international_value = "
"; $TPL_international_value .= $MSG_033; } else { $TPL_international_value = "
"; $TPL_international_value .= $MSG_043; } // payment methods //-- $query = "select * from payments"; $res_payments = mysql_query($query); if(!$res_payments) { print $ERR_001." - ".mysql_error(); exit; } $num_payments = mysql_num_rows($res_payments); $i = 0; while($i < $num_payments){ if(isset($sessionVars["SELL_payment".$i])) { $TPL_payment_methods .= "$std_font".$sessionVars["SELL_payment".$i]."
"; } $i++; } // category name $cat_id = intval($sessionVars["SELL_category"]); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cat_id=$cat_id"); $parent_id = mysql_result($result,0,"parent_id"); $category_name = mysql_result($result,0,"cat_name"); $T = ""; while($parent_id!=0) { // get info about this parent $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cat_id=$parent_id"); $pparent_id = intval(mysql_result($result,0,"parent_id")); $pcat_id = mysql_result($result,0,"cat_id"); $pcat_name = mysql_result($result,0,"cat_name"); $T = "$pcat_name > ".$T; // get parent of this parent if ($pparent_id!=0) $parent_id = mysql_result( mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cat_id=$pparent_id"),0,"parent_id" ); else $parent_id = 0; } $T .= $category_name; $TPL_categories_list = $T; if ( $sessionVars["SELL_fett"] ) { $TPL_fett_value .= "Fettschrift"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_marker"] ) { $TPL_marker_value = "
"; $TPL_marker_value .= "Textmarker"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_topkat"] ) { $TPL_topkat_value = "
"; $TPL_topkat_value .= "Top-Kategorie"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_bild2"] ) { $TPL_bild_2_value = "
"; $TPL_bild_2_value .= "Upload 2. Bild"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_bild3"] ) { $TPL_bild_3_value = "
"; $TPL_bild_3_value .= "Upload 3. Bild"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] == 0 ) { $TPL_zustand_value = "Siehe Beschreibung"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] == 1 ) { $TPL_zustand_value = "Neuwertig"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] == 2 ) { $TPL_zustand_value = "Bestzustand"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] == 3 ) { $TPL_zustand_value = "Leichte Gebrauchsspuren"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] == 4 ) { $TPL_zustand_value = "Gebrauchsspuren"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] == 5 ) { $TPL_zustand_value = "Starke Gebrauchsspuren"; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"] == 6 ) { $TPL_zustand_value = "Defekt"; } $TPL_artnr_value = htmlspecialchars($sessionVars["SELL_artnr"]); // Benutzergruppe feststellen $benutzername = $TPL_nick = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["$LOGGED_IN_NICK"]; $status_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE nick='$benutzername'"; $status_result = mysql_query($status_query); if (!$status_result) { print "

Fehler beim Bestimmen der Benutzergruppe!

"; exit; } else { $benutzergruppe = mysql_result($status_result,0,"status"); } // Wer wird berechnet? Private und/oder Gewerbliche? $bill_query = "SELECT * FROM settings"; $bill_result = mysql_query($bill_query); if (!$bill_result) { print "

Fehler beim Lesen von Tabelle Settings!

"; exit; } else { $bill_privat = mysql_result($bill_result,0,"privat"); $bill_gewerbe = mysql_result($bill_result,0,"gewerbe"); } // Wird der User berechnet? if (intval($benutzergruppe) == 0) { if ($bill_privat == 1) $berechnen = 1; else $berechnen = 0; } if (intval($benutzergruppe) == 1) { if ($bill_gewerbe == 1) $berechnen = 1; else $berechnen = 0; } // Preise für Features holen $my_result = mysql_query("select * from features order by id"); $fett_preis = mysql_result($my_result,0,"value"); $marker_preis = mysql_result($my_result,1,"value"); $topkat_preis = mysql_result($my_result,2,"value"); $bild2_preis = mysql_result($my_result,3,"value"); $bild3_preis = mysql_result($my_result,4,"value"); $TPL_fett_preis = $fett_preis; $TPL_marker_preis = $marker_preis; $TPL_topkat_preis = $topkat_preis; $TPL_bild2_preis = $bild2_preis; $TPL_bild3_preis = $bild3_preis; // ****************************************************************************************************************** // Einstellgebühr anzeigen $fee_summe = 0; if ($berechnen == 1) { $TPL_Account .= $std_font."Einstellgebühr: ".print_money($sessionVars["SELL_fee_value"])."
"; // nur 'n Test $fee_summe = $sessionVars["SELL_fee_value"]; } // Zusatz-Features anzeigen if ( $sessionVars["SELL_fett"] ) { $TPL_Account .= $std_font."Hervorhebung durch Fettschrift: ".print_money($TPL_fett_preis)."
"; $fee_summe = $fee_summe + $fett_preis; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_marker"] ) { $TPL_Account .= $std_font."Hervorhebung durch Textmarker: ".print_money($TPL_marker_preis)."
"; $fee_summe = $fee_summe + $marker_preis; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_topkat"] ) { $TPL_Account .= $std_font."Darstellung in Top-Kategorie: ".print_money($TPL_topkat_preis)."
"; $fee_summe = $fee_summe + $topkat_preis; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_bild2"] ) { $TPL_Account .= $std_font."Upload 2. Bild: ".print_money($TPL_bild2_preis)."
"; $fee_summe = $fee_summe + $bild2_preis; } if ( $sessionVars["SELL_bild3"] ) { $TPL_Account .= $std_font."Upload 3. Bild: ".print_money($TPL_bild3_preis)."
"; $fee_summe = $fee_summe + $bild3_preis; } // Summe anzeigen $TPL_Account .= "
".$err_font."Gesamtgebühr: ".print_money($fee_summe).""; // ****************************************************************************************************************** include "header.php"; include "templates/template_sell_preview_php.html"; include "footer.php"; exit; } if ($action=='second' && !$$ERR) { //-- If a suggested category is present send an e-mail //-- to the site administrator if($suggested_category) { $to = $adminEmail; $subject = $MSG_254; $message = $suggested_category."\n". $MSG_255. $sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]; mail($to,$subject,$message,"From:Kategorievorschlag auf".$SITE_NAME."<$adminEmail>\nReplyTo:$adminEmail"); } $payment_text = ""; //-- $query = "select * from payments"; $res_payments = mysql_query($query); if(!$res_payments) { print $ERR_001." - ".mysql_error(); exit; } $num_payments = mysql_num_rows($res_payments); $i = 0; while($i < $num_payments) { $val = mysql_result($res_payments,$i,"description"); if ( isset($sessionVars["SELL_payment".$i]) ) $payment_text .= $sessionVars["SELL_payment".$i]." \n"; $i++; } // auction starts $time = time(); $a_starts = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$time); //$a_starts = date("d.m.Y H:i:s",$time); // auction ends $a_ends = $time+$sessionVars["SELL_duration"]*24*60*60; $a_ends = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $a_ends); //$a_ends = date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $a_ends); // picture URL $pcURL = ""; if ( ($sessionVars["SELL_file_uploaded"]) && (strlen($sessionVars["SELL_original_filename"])>0) ) { $pcURL = $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url"]; $pcURL2 = $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url2"]; $pcURL3 = $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url3"]; } else $pcURL = $sessionVars["SELL_pict_url_original"]; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM auctions WHERE id=".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]); if ($result) $nr = mysql_num_rows($result); else $nr = 0; if ($nr>0) { header ( "Location: item.php?mode=1&id=".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."&SESSION_ID=$sessionIDU" ); exit; } include "header.php"; $query = "INSERT INTO auctions VALUES ('".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."', '". // auction id $user_id."', '". addslashes($sessionVars["SELL_title"])."', '". // auction title $a_starts."', '". // auction starts addslashes($sessionVars["SELL_description"])."', '". // auction description addslashes($pcURL)."', ". // picture URL $sessionVars["SELL_category"].", '". // category $sessionVars["SELL_minimum_bid"]."', '".// minimum bid (($sessionVars["SELL_with_reserve"])?$sessionVars["SELL_reserve_price"]:"0")."', '".// reserve price $sessionVars["SELL_atype"]."', '".// auction type $sessionVars["SELL_duration"]."', '".// duration $sessionVars["SELL_country"]."', '".// country $sessionVars["SELL_location_zip"]."', '".// zip code $sessionVars["SELL_shipping"]."', '".// shipping method $payment_text."', '".// payment method (($sessionVars["SELL_international"])?"1":"0")."', '".// international shipping $a_ends."', '".// ends "0', '".// current bid "0', ".// closed (($sessionVars["SELL_file_uploaded"])?"1":"0").", ". $sessionVars["SELL_iquantity"].", ".// quantity "'0' ".", ".//suspended (($sessionVars["SELL_fett"])?"1":"0").", ". (($sessionVars["SELL_marker"])?"1":"0").", ". (($sessionVars["SELL_topkat"])?"1":"0").", ". $sessionVars["SELL_zustand"].", '". $sessionVars["SELL_artnr"]."', '". $sessionVars["SELL_buy_now"]."', ". "'0', ". // seller_rate "'0', '". // buyer_rate addslashes($pcURL2)."', '". // Bild 2 addslashes($pcURL3)."'". // Bild 3 ")"; if (!mysql_query($query)) print $ERR_001.mysql_error()."
$query"; else { //-- Update COUNTERS table $query = "select auctions from counters"; $result_counters = mysql_query($query); if($result_counters){ $auction_counter = mysql_result($result_counters,0,"auctions") + 1; $query = "update counters set auctions = $auction_counter"; $result = mysql_query($query); } $TPL_auction_id = $sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]; include "templates/template_sell_result_php.html"; } // Rechnungsposten schreiben ****************************************************** // Benutzergruppe feststellen $benutzername = $TPL_nick = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["$LOGGED_IN_NICK"]; $status_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE nick='$benutzername'"; $status_result = mysql_query($status_query); if (!$status_result) { print "

Fehler beim Bestimmen der Benutzergruppe!

"; exit; } else { $benutzergruppe = mysql_result($status_result,0,"status"); } // Wer wird berechnet? Private und/oder Gewerbliche? $bill_query = "SELECT * FROM settings"; $bill_result = mysql_query($bill_query); if (!$bill_result) { print "

Fehler beim Lesen von Tabelle Settings!

"; exit; } else { $bill_privat = mysql_result($bill_result,0,"privat"); $bill_gewerbe = mysql_result($bill_result,0,"gewerbe"); } // Wird der User berechnet? if (intval($benutzergruppe) == 0) { if ($bill_privat == 1) $berechnen = 1; else $berechnen = 0; } if (intval($benutzergruppe) == 1) { if ($bill_gewerbe == 1) $berechnen = 1; else $berechnen = 0; } // Preise für Features holen $my_result = mysql_query("select * from features order by id"); $fett_preis = mysql_result($my_result,0,"value"); $marker_preis = mysql_result($my_result,1,"value"); $topkat_preis = mysql_result($my_result,2,"value"); $bild2_preis = mysql_result($my_result,3,"value"); $bild3_preis = mysql_result($my_result,4,"value"); $time = time(); $pos_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$time); if ($berechnen == 1) { if ($sessionVars["SELL_fee_value"] > 0) { // Einstellgebühr schreiben $query = "INSERT INTO accountpos VALUES ('','','".$pos_time."','". $user_id."','".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."','". $sessionVars["SELL_title"]. "','Einstellgebühr','". $sessionVars["SELL_fee_value"]. "','0')"; $result = mysql_query($query); } } // wenn Fettschrift, dann RE-Posten if ( $sessionVars["SELL_fett"] ) { if ($fett_preis > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO accountpos VALUES ('','','".$pos_time."','". $user_id."','".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."','". $sessionVars["SELL_title"]. "','Hervorhebung: Fettschrift','". $fett_preis. "','0')"; $result = mysql_query($query); } } // wenn Textmarker, dann RE-Posten if ( $sessionVars["SELL_marker"] ) { if ($marker_preis > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO accountpos VALUES ('','','".$pos_time."','". $user_id."','".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."','". $sessionVars["SELL_title"]. "','Hervorhebung: Textmarker','". $marker_preis. "','0')"; $result = mysql_query($query); } } // wenn Top-Kategorie, dann RE-Posten if ( $sessionVars["SELL_topkat"] ) { if ($topkat_preis > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO accountpos VALUES ('','','".$pos_time."','". $user_id."','".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."','". $sessionVars["SELL_title"]. "','Hervorhebung: Top-Kategorie','". $topkat_preis. "','0')"; $result = mysql_query($query); } } // wenn Bild 2, dann RE-Posten if ( $sessionVars["SELL_bild2"]) { if ($bild2_preis > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO accountpos VALUES ('','','".$pos_time."','". $user_id."','".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."','". $sessionVars["SELL_title"]. "','Upload 2. Bild','". $bild2_preis. "','0')"; $result = mysql_query($query); } } // wenn Bild 3, dann RE-Posten if ($sessionVars["SELL_bild3"]) { if ($bild3_preis > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO accountpos VALUES ('','','".$pos_time."','". $user_id."','".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]."','". $sessionVars["SELL_title"]. "','Upload 3. Bild','". $bild3_preis. "','0')"; $result = mysql_query($query); } } // Ende Rechnungsposten ***************************************************************** include "footer.php"; // and increase category counters $ct = intval($sessionVars["SELL_category"]); $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cat_id=$ct")); $counter = $row[counter]+1; $subcoun = $row[sub_counter]+1; $parent_id = $row[parent_id]; mysql_query("UPDATE categories SET counter=$counter, sub_counter=$subcoun WHERE cat_id=$ct"); // update recursive categories while ( $parent_id!=0 ) { // update this parent's subcounter $rw = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cat_id=$parent_id")); $subcoun = $rw[sub_counter]+1; mysql_query("UPDATE categories SET sub_counter=$subcoun WHERE cat_id=$parent_id"); // get next parent $parent_id = intval($rw[parent_id]); } // Send confirmation email $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE nick='".AddSlashes($nick)."'"); $user_name = mysql_result ($result,0,"name"); $user_email = mysql_result ($result,0,"email"); $user_address = mysql_result ($result,0,"address"); $user_city = mysql_result ($result,0,"city"); $user_country = mysql_result ($result,0,"country"); $user_zip = mysql_result ($result,0,"zip"); $title = $sessionVars["SELL_title"]; $auction_id = $sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]; $description = $sessionVars["SELL_description"]; $pict_url = $pcURL; $minimum_bid = $sessionVars["SELL_minimum_bid"]; $reserve_price = $sessionVars["SELL_reserve_price"]; $duration = $sessionVars["SELL_duration"]; $cat_name = $sessionVars["SELL_category"]; $ends = substr($a_ends,8,2)."."; $ends .= substr($a_ends,5,2)."."; $ends .= substr($a_ends,0,4)."."; $auction_url = $SITE_URL . "item.php?mode=1&id=".$sessionVars["SELL_auction_id"]; $buy_now = $sessionVars["SELL_buy_now"]; include('./includes/auction_confirmation.inc.php'); } reset($sessionVars); while(list($key,$val)=each($sessionVars)){ if ( strpos($key,"SELL_")==0 ) unset($sessionVars[$key]); } putSessionVars(); exit; ?>