query($sql); $anz = $db->num_rows(); if ($anz && $anz > 0) { ?> query($sql); $anz = $db->num_rows(); if ($anz > 0) { $image = mysql_result($result,0,"img_name"); $image_big = mysql_result($result,0,"big_img_name"); if (!file_exists("cms/upload/jobs/".$image)) { $image = ""; } if (!file_exists("cms/upload/jobs/".$image_big)) { $image_big = ""; } } } if ($file_1!="") { $sql = "select * from files where id=$file_1 and category='jobs'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $anz = $db->num_rows(); if ($anz > 0) { $file = mysql_result($result,0,"file_name"); if (!file_exists("cms/upload/jobs/".$file)) { $file = ""; } } } ?>

[Weitere Informationen]
query($sql); $anz = $db->num_rows(); if ($anz && $anz > 0) { $txt = mysql_result($result,0,"txt"); $img = mysql_result($result,0,"img_id"); $file = mysql_result($result,0,"file_id"); if ($img!="") { $sql = "select * from images where id=$img and category='jobs'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $anz = $db->num_rows(); if ($anz > 0) { $image = mysql_result($result,0,"img_name"); $image_big = mysql_result($result,0,"big_img_name"); if (!file_exists("cms/upload/jobs/".$image)) { $image = ""; } if (!file_exists("cms/upload/jobs/".$image_big)) { $image_big = ""; } } } if ($file!="") { $sql = "select * from files where id=$file and category='jobs'"; $result = $db->query($sql); $anz = $db->num_rows(); if ($anz > 0) { $file = mysql_result($result,0,"file_name"); if (!file_exists("cms/upload/jobs/".$file)) { $file = ""; } } } echo $txt; if ($image!="" || $file!="") { ?>

[Weitere Informationen]

[Weitere Informationen]
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