PHP updaten?

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  • PHP updaten?

    Hallo zusammen!

    Wie kann man PHP-Versionen updaten? Einfach die neuen Daten überschreiben? Welches Paket (Gezippt / Exe)?

    Bevor ich nicht in einem angemessenen Alter bin, werde ich keine Witze mehr über schmalle machen!
    - Zitat Berni

  • #2

    Upgrading from a previous PHP version: Previous editions of the manual suggest moving various ini and DLL files into your SYSTEM (i.e. C:\WINDOWS) folder and while this simplifies the installation procedure it makes upgrading difficult. We advise you remove all of these files (like php.ini and PHP related DLLs from the Windows SYSTEM folder) before moving on with a new PHP installation. Be sure to backup these files as you might break the entire system. The old php.ini might be useful in setting up the new PHP as well. And as you'll soon learn, the preferred method for installing PHP is to keep all PHP related files in one directory and have this directory available to your systems PATH.


    • #3
      Bin ich blind? Ja, das bin ich ...

      Bevor ich nicht in einem angemessenen Alter bin, werde ich keine Witze mehr über schmalle machen!
      - Zitat Berni

