Asia-Pvpgn is searching for a php programmer to join the team

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  • Asia-Pvpgn is searching for a php programmer to join the team

    Asia-Pvpgn project is still in developing , the project will support Warcraft / Starcraft / Diablo Server .

    Now we are looking for a php programmer , for joining the team Asia-Pvpgn .
    We currently have admins from all around the world , from different sections of programming , ex: PVPGN , freeBSD , Image Designer and alot of other , that help each other .

    Who is intereseted in joining the team please private message me (pm me) .

    I am a representant of the Asia-PVPGN.Com
    Project Coordonator: Tukii .

    Requirments: a msn id and to know english languace .
    Php Programming ofc .
