MySQL Connect

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  • MySQL Connect

    Also ich habe eine Mail bekommen mit meinen Mitgliedsdaten:

    Hi Martin Zimmermann, thanks for joining Your domain name is
    You account has been created and is now activated. Your account name and password to access
    the ftp site: are 'nac24570' and '***' (without the quotes).
    Please don't lose this information.

    You also requested a MySql account, so here is your database information:
    Database name: DB_nac24570
    Database account and password: same as the ones used for FTP.

    ich habe das in meiner config.php datei die bis jetzt auf meinen eignen sql server angepasst war geändert:

    # Database & System Config
    # dbhost: SQL Database Hostname
    # dbuname: SQL Username
    # dbpass: SQL Password
    # dbname: SQL Database Name
    # $prefix: Your Database table's prefix
    # $user_prefix: Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)
    # $dbtype: Your Database Server type. Supported servers are:
    # MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL_local, ODBC,
    # ODBC_Adabas, Interbase, and Sybase.
    # Be sure to write it exactly as above, case SeNsItIvE!

    $dbhost = "";
    $dbuname = "nac24570";
    $dbpass = "***";
    $dbname = "DB_nac24570";
    $prefix = "nuke";
    $user_prefix = "nuke";
    $dbtype = "MySQL";

    das ganze läuft aber nicht, was habe ich falsch eingestellt???

  • #2
    Gibt es irgendeine Fehlermeldung?
    Steht was in den LOG-Files?

