ich trage verschiedene sachen ein. Das Formularfeld Leasing soll nicht unbedingt ausgefüllt werden. Jetzt heißt es aber, dass es benötigt wird. woran liegt das??
if ($btnSubmit) { // the form has been submitted
$o_s = validateText("The O.S.", $o_s, 3, 50, TRUE, FALSE);
$serial_num = validateText("Serial Number", $serial_num, 1, 50, TRUE, FALSE);
$hostname = validateText("Hostname", $hostname,1,20,TRUE,FALSE);
$leasing = validateText("Leasing", $leasing,1,20,TRUE,FALSE);
If ($cboType == "") {
$strError = "Please select a system type.";
If($cboAbteilung == "") {
$strError = "Please select a department.";
} Else {
$intAbteilung = $cboAbteilung;
if (!$strError) {
if ($id) {
$strSQL = "UPDATE hardware SET type='$cboType', serial_num='$serial_num', o_s='$o_s', abteilung_fk='$cboAbteilung', hostname='$hostname', leasing='$leasing' WHERE pk_asset=$id";
$strNotify = "update";
} else {
$strSQL = "INSERT INTO hardware (type, serial_num, o_s, abteilung_fk,hostname) VALUES ('$cboType', '$serial_num', '$o_s','$cboAbteilung','$hostname','$leasing')";
$strNotify = "insert";
$result = dbquery($strSQL);
// if all was sucessfull show terse summary
header("Location: ./index.php?notify=$strNotify");
} elseif ($id) {
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM hardware as h, tblSecurity as s, Abteilung as a where ";
$strSQL .= "h.abteilung_fk=a.id_abteilung AND h.pk_asset=$id";
$result = dbquery($strSQL);
While ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$cboType = $row["type"];
$serial_num = $row["serial_num"];
$spare = $row["sparePart"];
$o_s = $row["o_s"];
$cboAbteilung = $row["abteilung_fk"];
$hostname = $row["hostname"];
$leasing = $row["leasing"];
include "includes/header.inc.php";
<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="<? echo $PHP_SELF?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="id" VALUE="<? echo $id; ?>">
<TABLE border='0' width='500'>
if ($id)
<TD width='150'>System:</TD>
<TD width='350'>
<SELECT SIZE="1" NAME="cboType" >
// Get all hardware types for the drop down menu
$result2 = dbquery('SELECT * FROM hw_types');
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
echo " <OPTION VALUE=\"" . $row2['type_pk'] . "\"";
if ($cboType == $row2['type_pk']) {
echo " SELECTED";
echo ">".$row2['type_desc']."</OPTION>\n";
<td width='115'>Department:</td>
<td width='300'>
echo buildAbteilungSelectohneSpare($cboAbteilung, TRUE);
<TD width='150'>Hostname:</TD>
<TD width='350'><INPUT SIZE="30" MAXSIZE="50" TYPE="Text" NAME="hostname" VALUE="<? echo antiSlash($hostname); ?>"></TD>
<TD width='150'>Serial Number:</TD>
<TD width='350'><INPUT SIZE="30" MAXSIZE="50" TYPE="Text" NAME="serial_num" VALUE="<? echo antiSlash($serial_num); ?>"></TD>
<TD width='150'>OS Running:</TD>
<TD width='350'><INPUT SIZE="30" MAXSIZE="50" TYPE="Text" NAME="o_s" VALUE="<? echo antiSlash($o_s); ?>"></TD>
<TD width='150'>Leasing:</TD>
<TD width='350'><INPUT SIZE="30" MAXSIZE="50" TYPE="Text" NAME="leasing" VALUE="<? echo antiSlash($leasing); ?>"></TD>
<TD colspan='2'> </TD>
<TD colspan='2'><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="btnSubmit" VALUE="Enter Information"></TD>
include "includes/footer.inc.php";