Ich habe folgendes problem: wenn ich auf die seite localhost/sitemanagment/forum.php gehe kommen da die topics und unter den topics ist die tabelle von den forum beiträgen. aber das sollte eigentlich da sein wenn mann auf den topic link klickt
Danke im voraus
Ich habe folgendes problem: wenn ich auf die seite localhost/sitemanagment/forum.php gehe kommen da die topics und unter den topics ist die tabelle von den forum beiträgen. aber das sollte eigentlich da sein wenn mann auf den topic link klickt

mysql_connect("localhost", "admin", "*****");
$table = ("forum");
if ($action == "")
echo "<center>Click <a href=forum.php?action=post><strong>here</strong></a> to post a topic.<p>
<table width=79% border=0 bordercolor=blue>
<tr bordercolor=#0000FF bgcolor=Blue border=1>
<td width=57%><font color=Black>Topics:</font></td>
<td width=20%><font color=Black>Topic Poster:</font></td>
<td width=23%> <font color=Black>Topic Date:</font></td>
$select = "SELECT * FROM $table ORDER BY topic_id DESC";
$res = mysql_query($select) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($res))
echo "
<center><table width=79% border=0 bordercolor=blue>
<tr bordercolor=#FF9900 bgcolor=#0066FF>
<td width=57%><a href=forum.php?action=$row->topic_id>$row->topic_title</a></td>
<td width=20%><a href=mailto:$row->topic_mail>$row->topic_name</a></td>
<td width=23%>$row->topic_date</td>
if ($action == "post")
echo "<form method=post action=forum.php?action=wrdb><table width=75% border=0>
<td><input name=topic_name></td>
<td><input name=topic_mail></td>
<td>Topic Title:</td>
<td><input name=topic_title></td>
<td>Topic Message:</td>
<td><textarea rows=20 cols=70 name=topic_msg></textarea><input type=submit name=submit value=Send></form>
elseif ($action == "wrdb")
if ($submit)
if($topic_name == "" || $topic_title == "" || $topic_mail == "" || $topic_msg == "")
echo "Please go back and write correct values";
$error = "ja";
elseif ($error != "ja")
$topic_name = htmlspecialchars($topic_name);
$topic_title = htmlspecialchars($topic_title);
$topic_mail = htmlspecialchars($topic_mail);
$topic_msg = htmlspecialchars($topic_msg);
$date = (date("d-m-Y"));
$time = (date("H:i:s"));
$topic_date = "$date, $time";
$IP = getenv( "REMOTE_ADDR" );
$insert = "INSERT INTO $table (topic_name, topic_mail, topic_title, topic_msg, topic_date, ip) VALUES ('$topic_name', '$topic_mail', '$topic_title', '$topic_msg','$topic_date','$IP')";
$query = mysql_query($insert)or die(mysql_error());
setcookie(forum, ja, time()+15);
header("Location: forum.php");
elseif ($_COOKIE[forum] == ja)
echo "Board Floodcontroll:\"You can write you next topic in 5 minutes.\"";
if ($action == "$row->topic_id")
echo "
<table width=75% border=1>
<td width=17%>Author:</td>
<td width=83%>Message:</td>
<td height=79>$row->topic_name</td>
Danke im voraus