Hallo Zusammen
ich habe probleme bei der installation von
phpwebsite (portal software)
es scheint, als könne das script nicht die
datenbank konetkten, obwohl die einstellungen stimmen!
mit den selben einstellungen habe ich auch schon
my php nuke und app installiert...keine probleme
nur bei diesem script gibt's ärger
ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen
$dbhost = "mysql1.xxxx.de"; /* Mysql Database Host */
$dbuname = "dxxxxx"; /* Mysql User */
$dbpass = "mein passw"; /* Mysql Password */
$dbname = "dxxxxx"; /* Mysql Database Name */
# Site Identification Config #
$sitename = "phpWebSite"; # Your Site Name
$nuke_url = "http://www.meine domain.de"; # Your sites URL
$titletag = "Appalachian State University"; # This is appended to your site name in the browser´s titlebar.
$titlebar = "phpWebSite"; # This will appear in the header on each page.
$startdate = "January 2001"; # When did your site launch?
$adminmail = "your_handle@your_site.com"; # Admin email.
$top = "10"; # Number of Announcements to display by default.
$oldnum = "20";
$ultramode = "1";
Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 4
Warning: Failed opening '../config.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 4
Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111) in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 5
Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111) in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 5
Unable to select database
ich habe probleme bei der installation von
phpwebsite (portal software)
es scheint, als könne das script nicht die
datenbank konetkten, obwohl die einstellungen stimmen!
mit den selben einstellungen habe ich auch schon
my php nuke und app installiert...keine probleme
nur bei diesem script gibt's ärger
ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen
$dbhost = "mysql1.xxxx.de"; /* Mysql Database Host */
$dbuname = "dxxxxx"; /* Mysql User */
$dbpass = "mein passw"; /* Mysql Password */
$dbname = "dxxxxx"; /* Mysql Database Name */
# Site Identification Config #
$sitename = "phpWebSite"; # Your Site Name
$nuke_url = "http://www.meine domain.de"; # Your sites URL
$titletag = "Appalachian State University"; # This is appended to your site name in the browser´s titlebar.
$titlebar = "phpWebSite"; # This will appear in the header on each page.
$startdate = "January 2001"; # When did your site launch?
$adminmail = "your_handle@your_site.com"; # Admin email.
$top = "10"; # Number of Announcements to display by default.
$oldnum = "20";
$ultramode = "1";
Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 4
Warning: Failed opening '../config.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 4
Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111) in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 5
Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111) in /raid/domains/de/r/meine domain/htdocs/www/setup/functions.php on line 5
Unable to select database