Passwort an generierter Zip-Datei erstellen?

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  • #16
    Kennt keiner eine lösung


    • #17
      Ok, hier vielleicht der wichtigere Teil

      Teil 1 von 2
      Single Password Symmetric Encryption Method:
      The Single Password Symmetric Encryption Method using strong 
      encryption algorithms operates similarly to the traditional 
      PKWARE encryption defined in this format.  Additional data 
      structures are added to support the processing needs of the 
      strong algorithms.
      The Strong Encryption data structures are:
      1. General Purpose Bits - Bits 0 and 6 of the General Purpose bit 
      flag in both local and central header records.  Both bits set 
      indicates strong encryption.  Bit 13, when set indicates the Central
      Directory is encrypted and that selected fields in the Local Header
      are masked to hide their actual value.
      2. Extra Field 0x0017 in central header only.
           Fields to consider in this record are:
           Format - the data format identifier for this record.  The only
           value allowed at this time is the integer value 2.
           AlgId - integer identifier of the encryption algorithm from the
           following range
               0x6601 - DES
               0x6602 - RC2 (version needed to extract < 5.2)
               0x6603 - 3DES 168
               0x6609 - 3DES 112
               0x660E - AES 128 
               0x660F - AES 192 
               0x6610 - AES 256 
               0x6702 - RC2 (version needed to extract >= 5.2)
               0x6801 - RC4
               0xFFFF - Unknown algorithm
           Bitlen - Explicit bit length of key
           Flags - Processing flags needed for decryption
               0x0001 - Password is required to decrypt
               0x0002 - Certificates only
               0x0003 - Password or certificate required to decrypt
               Values > 0x0003 reserved for certificate processing
      3. Decryption header record preceding compressed file data.
               -Decryption Header:
                Value     Size     Description
                -----     ----     -----------
                IVSize    2 bytes  Size of initialization vector (IV)
                IVData    IVSize   Initialization vector for this file
                Size      4 bytes  Size of remaining decryption header data
                Format    2 bytes  Format definition for this record
                AlgID     2 bytes  Encryption algorithm identifier
                Bitlen    2 bytes  Bit length of encryption key
                Flags     2 bytes  Processing flags
                ErdSize   2 bytes  Size of Encrypted Random Data
                ErdData   ErdSize  Encrypted Random Data
                Reserved1 4 bytes  Reserved certificate processing data
                Reserved2 (var)    Reserved for certificate processing data
                VSize     2 bytes  Size of password validation data
                VData     VSize-4  Password validation data
                VCRC32    4 bytes  Standard ZIP CRC32 of password validation data
           IVData - The size of the IV should match the algorithm block size.
                    The IVData can be completely random data.  If the size of
                    the randomly generated data does not match the block size
                    it should be complemented with zero's or truncated as
                    necessary.  If IVSize is 0,then IV = CRC32 + Uncompressed
                    File Size (as a 64 bit little-endian, unsigned integer value).
           Format - the data format identifier for this record.  The only
           value allowed at this time is the integer value 3.
           AlgId - integer identifier of the encryption algorithm from the
           following range
               0x6601 - DES
               0x6602 - RC2 (version needed to extract < 5.2)
               0x6603 - 3DES 168
               0x6609 - 3DES 112
               0x660E - AES 128 
               0x660F - AES 192 
               0x6610 - AES 256 
               0x6702 - RC2 (version needed to extract >= 5.2)
               0x6801 - RC4
               0xFFFF - Unknown algorithm
           Bitlen - Explicit bit length of key
           Flags - Processing flags needed for decryption
               0x0001 - Password is required to decrypt
               0x0002 - Certificates only
               0x0003 - Password or certificate required to decrypt
               Values > 0x0003 reserved for certificate processing
           ErdData - Encrypted random data is used to generate a file
                     session key for encrypting each file.  SHA1 is 
                     used to calculate hash data used to derive keys.
                     File session keys are derived from a master session
                     key generated from the user-supplied password.
                     If the Flags field in the decryption header contains 
                     the value 0x4000, then the ErdData field must be 
                     decrypted using 3DES.
           Reserved1 - Reserved for certificate processing, if value is
                     zero, then Reserved2 data is absent.  See the explanation
                     under the Certificate Processing Method for details on
                     this data structure.
           Reserved2 - If present, the size of the Reserved2 data structure 
                     is located by skipping the first 4 bytes of this field 
                     and using the next 2 bytes as the remaining size.  See
                     the explanation under the Certificate Processing Method
                     for details on this data structure.
           VSize - This size value will always include the 4 bytes of the
                   VCRC32 data and will be greater than 4 bytes.
           VData - Random data for password validation.  This data is VSize
                   in length and VSize must be a multiple of the encryption
                   block size.  VCRC32 is a checksum value of VData.  
                   VData and VCRC32 are stored encrypted and start the
                   stream of encrypted data for a file.
      4. Useful Tips
      Strong Encryption is always applied to a file after compression. The
      block oriented algorithms all operate in Cypher Block Chaining (CBC) 
      mode.  The block size used for AES encryption is 16.  All other block
      algorithms use a block size of 8.  Two ID's are defined for RC2 to 
      account for a discrepancy found in the implementation of the RC2
      algorithm in the cryptographic library on Windows XP SP1 and all 
      earlier versions of Windows.
      A pseudo-code representation of the encryption process is as follows:
      Password = GetUserPassword()
      RD  = Random()
      ERD = Encrypt(RD,DeriveKey(SHA1(Password)))
      For Each File
          IV = Random()
          VData = Random()
          FileSessionKey = DeriveKey(SHA1(IV + RD))
          Encrypt(VData + VCRC32 + FileData,FileSessionKey)
      The function names and parameter requirements will depend on
      the choice of the cryptographic toolkit selected.  Almost any
      toolkit supporting the reference implementations for each
      algorithm can be used.  The RSA BSAFE(r), OpenSSL, and Microsoft
      CryptoAPI libraries are all known to work well.


      • #18
        Teil 2 von 2

        Single Password - Central Directory Encryption:
        Central Directory Encryption is achieved within the .ZIP format by 
        encrypting the Central Directory structure.  This encapsulates the metadata 
        most often used for processing .ZIP files.  Additional metadata is stored for 
        redundancy in the Local Header for each file.  The process of concealing 
        metadata by encrypting the Central Directory does not protect the data within 
        the Local Header.  To avoid information leakage from the exposed metadata 
        in the Local Header, the fields containing information about a file are masked.  
        Local Header:
        Masking replaces the true content of the fields for a file in the Local 
        Header with false information.  When masked, the Local Header is not 
        suitable for streaming access and the options for data recovery of damaged
        archives is reduced.  Extra Data fields that may contain confidential
        data should not be stored within the Local Header.  The value set into
        the Version needed to extract field should be the correct value needed to
        extract the file without regard to Central Directory Encryption. The fields 
        within the Local Header targeted for masking when the Central Directory is 
        encrypted are:
                Field Name                     Mask Value
                ------------------             ---------------------------
                compression method              0
                last mod file time              0
                last mod file date              0
                crc-32                          0
                compressed size                 0
                uncompressed size               0
                file name (variable size)       Base 16 value from the
                                                range 1 - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
                                                represented as a string whose
                                                size will be set into the
                                                file name length field
        The Base 16 value assigned as a masked file name is simply a sequentially
        incremented value for each file starting with 1 for the first file.  
        Modifications to a ZIP file may cause different values to be stored for 
        each file.  For compatibility, the file name field in the Local Header 
        should never be left blank.  As of Version 6.2 of this specification, 
        the Compression Method and Compressed Size fields are not yet masked.
        Encrypting the Central Directory:
        Encryption of the Central Directory does not include encryption of the 
        Central Directory Signature data, the ZIP64 End of Central Directory
        record, the ZIP64 End of Central Directory Locator, or the End
        of Central Directory record.  The ZIP file comment data is never
        Before encrypting the Central Directory, it may optionally be compressed.
        Compression is not required, but for storage efficiency it is assumed
        this structure will be compressed before encrypting.  Similarly, this 
        specification supports compressing the Central Directory without
        requiring that it also be encrypted.  Early implementations of this
        feature will assume the encryption method applied to files matches the 
        encryption applied to the Central Directory.
        Encryption of the Central Directory is done in a manner similar to
        that of file encryption.  The encrypted data is preceded by a 
        decryption header.  The decryption header is known as the Archive
        Decryption Header.  The fields of this record are identical to
        the decryption header preceding each encrypted file.  The location
        of the Archive Decryption Header is determined by the value in the
        Start of the Central Directory field in the ZIP64 End of Central
        Directory record.  When the Central Directory is encrypted, the
        ZIP64 End of Central Directory record will always be present.
        The layout of the ZIP64 End of Central Directory record for all
        versions starting with 6.2 of this specification will follow the
        Version 2 format.  The Version 2 format is as follows:
        The first 48 bytes will remain identical to that of Version 1.
        The record signature for both Version 1 and Version 2 will be
        0x06064b50.  Immediately following the 48th byte, which identifies 
        the end of the field known as the Offset of Start of Central 
        Directory With Respect to the Starting Disk Number will begin the 
        new fields defining Version 2 of this record.  
        New fields for Version 2:
        Note: all fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.
                  Value                 Size       Description
                  -----                 ----       -----------
                  Compression Method    2 bytes    Method used to compress the
                                                   Central Directory
                  Compressed Size       8 bytes    Size of the compressed data
                  Original   Size       8 bytes    Original uncompressed size
                  AlgId                 2 bytes    Encryption algorithm ID
                  BitLen                2 bytes    Encryption key length
                  Flags                 2 bytes    Encryption flags
                  HashID                2 bytes    Hash algorithm identifier
                  Hash Length           2 bytes    Length of hash data
                  Hash Data             (variable) Hash data
        The Compression Method accepts the same range of values as the 
        corresponding field in the Central Header.
        The Compressed Size and Original Size values will not include the
        data of the Central Directory Signature which is compressed or
        The AlgId, BitLen, and Flags fields accept the same range of values
        the corresponding fields within the 0x0017 record. 
        Hash ID identifies the algorithm used to hash the Central Directory 
        data.  This data does not have to be hashed, in which case the
        values for both the HashID and Hash Length will be 0.  Possible 
        values for HashID are:
              Value         Algorithm
             ------         ---------
             0x0000          none
             0x0001          CRC32
             0x8003          MD5
             0x8004          SHA1
        When the Central Directory data is signed, the same hash algorithm
        used to hash the Central Directory for signing should be used.
        This is recommended for processing efficiency, however, it is 
        permissible for any of the above algorithms to be used independent 
        of the signing process.
        The Hash Data will contain the hash data for the Central Directory.
        The length of this data will vary depending on the algorithm used.
        The Version Needed to Extract should be set to 62.
        The value for the Total Number of Entries on the Current Disk will
        be 0.  These records will no longer support random access when
        encrypting the Central Directory.
        When the Central Directory is compressed and/or encrypted, the
        End of Central Directory record will store the value 0xFFFFFFFF
        as the value for the Total Number of Entries in the Central
        Directory.  The value stored in the Total Number of Entries in
        the Central Directory on this Disk field will be 0.  The actual
        values will be stored in the equivalent fields of the ZIP64
        End of Central Directory record.
        Decrypting and decompressing the Central Directory is accomplished
        in the same manner as decrypting and decompressing a file.

