Hallo erstmal , hab da ein Problem .
Ich habe bei mir auf der Seite das Aardvark Toplist Script eingebaut und
möchte das Pulldown Menü für die Seitenanzeige in normale Textlinks ändern , also so "Pages 1 2 3 ..." . (Ich habe sie im Moment manuell in
HTML eingebaut).
Ist hier auch zu sehen :
Hat jemand eine Ahnung wie das zu Machen ist ?
Hier die Template.php
Ich habe bei mir auf der Seite das Aardvark Toplist Script eingebaut und
möchte das Pulldown Menü für die Seitenanzeige in normale Textlinks ändern , also so "Pages 1 2 3 ..." . (Ich habe sie im Moment manuell in
HTML eingebaut).
Ist hier auch zu sehen :
Hat jemand eine Ahnung wie das zu Machen ist ?
Hier die Template.php
function do_template ($filename) {
global $CONFIG, $TMPL;
$file = $CONFIG['skins_path']."/".$TMPL['skin_name']."/".$filename.".html";
$fh_skin = fopen($file, "r");
$skin = @fread($fh_skin, filesize($file));
if ($filename == "wrapper") {
if (preg_match("/<\#poweredby>/", $skin)) { $copythere = 1; }
if ($copythere) { $return = $skin; }
else { $return = "You cannot delete the <#poweredby> tag from wrapper.html."; }
elseif ($filename == "admin" || $filename == "ssi_top" || $filename == "ssi_members") {
$return = $skin;
else {
$return = "<!-- Begin $filename.html -->\n" . $skin . "\n<!-- End $filename.html -->\n\n";
return template_regex($return);
function template_regex ($skin) {
global $LNG, $TMPL;
$skin = preg_replace("/<#lng\{\'(.+?)\'\}>/ei", "\$LNG['\\1']", $skin);
$skin = preg_replace("/<#include=\"(.+?)\">/ei", "file_get_contents('\\1')", $skin);
$skin = preg_replace("/<#(.+?)>/ei", "\$TMPL['\\1']", $skin);
return $skin;
function build_skin_stuff () {
global $CONFIG, $db, $FORM, $LNG, $TMPL, $starttime;
// Build the multiple pages menu
if ($TMPL['nummem'] > $CONFIG['numlist']) {
$num = $TMPL['nummem'];
$done = 0;
$TMPL['rankingsform'] = "<select name=\"start\">\n";
while ($num > 0) {
$start = $done * $CONFIG['numlist'] + 1;
$end = ($done + 1) * $CONFIG['numlist'];
$FORM['start'] = $FORM['start'] ? $FORM['start'] : 1;
if ($FORM['start'] == $start) {
$TMPL['rankingsform'] .= "<option value=\"".$start."\" selected=\"selected\">".$start." - ".$end."\n";
else {
$TMPL['rankingsform'] .= "<option value=\"".$start."\">".$start." - ".$end."\n";
$num = $num - $CONFIG['numlist'];
$TMPL['rankingsform'] .= "</select>";
// Build the ranking method menu
$rankingmethod = $FORM['method'] ? $FORM['method'] : $CONFIG['rankingmethod'];
$TMPL['meth'] = $LNG['g_'.$rankingmethod];
$TMPL['methform'] = "<select name=\"method\">\n";
if ($rankingmethod == "unq_pv") { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"unq_pv\" selected=\"selected\">
".$LNG['g_unq_pv']."\n"; }
else { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"unq_pv\">".$LNG['g_unq_pv']."\n"; }
if ($rankingmethod == "tot_pv") { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"tot_pv\" selected=\"selected\">
".$LNG['g_tot_pv']."\n"; }
else { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"tot_pv\">".$LNG['g_tot_pv']."\n"; }
if ($rankingmethod == "unq_in") { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"unq_in\" selected=\"selected\">
".$LNG['g_unq_in']."\n"; }
else { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"unq_in\">".$LNG['g_unq_in']."\n"; }
if ($rankingmethod == "tot_in") { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"tot_in\" selected=\"selected\">"
.$LNG['g_tot_in']."\n"; }
else { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"tot_in\">".$LNG['g_tot_in']."\n"; }
if ($rankingmethod == "unq_out") { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"unq_out\" selected=\"selected\">
".$LNG['g_unq_out']."\n"; }
else { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"unq_out\">".$LNG['g_unq_out']."\n"; }
if ($rankingmethod == "tot_out") { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"tot_out\" selected=\"selected\">
".$LNG['g_tot_out']."\n"; }
else { $TMPL['methform'] .= "<option value=\"tot_out\">".$LNG['g_tot_out']."\n"; }
$TMPL['methform'] .= "</select>";
// Build the categories menu
$current_cat = $FORM['cat'] ? $FORM['cat'] : $LNG['main_all'];
$TMPL['catform'] = "<select name=\"cat\">\n";
if ($current_cat == $LNG['main_all']) { $TMPL['catform'] .= "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">
${LNG['main_all']}\n"; }
else { $TMPL['catform'] .= "<option value=\"\">${LNG['main_all']}\n"; }
foreach ($CONFIG['categories'] as $cat) {
if ($current_cat == $cat) { $TMPL['catform'] .= "<option value=\"$cat\" selected=\"selected\">$cat\n"; }
else { $TMPL['catform'] .= "<option value=\"$cat\">$cat\n"; }
$TMPL['catform'] .= "</select>";
// Featured member
if ($CONFIG['featured'] && $TMPL['nummem']) {
while (!$TMPL['id']) {
if ($TMPL['nummem']) {
$nummem = $TMPL['nummem'] - 1;
$limit = rand(0, $nummem);
else { $limit = 0; }
$result = $db->SelectLimit("SELECT id, url, title, description, urlbanner
FROM ".$CONFIG['sql_prefix']."
_members WHERE active = 1", 1, $limit);
list($TMPL['id'], $TMPL['real_url'], $TMPL['title'], $TMPL['description'],
= $db->FetchArray($result);
$TMPL['url'] = $CONFIG['list_url']."/out.php?id=".$TMPL['id'];
$TMPL['featured'] = do_template("featured");
$TMPL['poweredby'] = $LNG['main_powered']."
<a href=\"http://www.aardvarkind.com/\"
target=\"_blank\">Aardvark Topsites PHP</a> ".$TMPL['version'];
// Stop the timer
$endtime = microtime();
$endtime = explode (' ', $endtime);
$endtime = $endtime[1] + $endtime[0];
$TMPL['executiontime'] = round(($endtime - $starttime), 5);