wie verwende ich die pop3 klasse von tbt
kann mir da einer helfen
MFG Ascharan
kann mir da einer helfen

MFG Ascharan

* class: pop3.class.php
* require:
* optional:
* description: class for retrieving mail from pop3 server
* created: 05.09.2002
* last change: 14.01.2005
* author: Sven Denkert <sven dot denkert at webxsite dot de>
* copyright: Sven Denkert
* Extra: MIME Mails and Attachment koennen mit maildecoder.class.php erledigt werden
* beim loeschen von mails (function delete) muss der server ordentlich geschlossen
* werden, ansonsten werden diese nicht geloescht!
class POP3{
var $server = "";
var $port = 110;
var $user = "";
var $pass = "";
var $error = "";
var $con = 0;
var $status = "disconnected";
var $header = array();
var $body = array();
var $size = array();
var $ids = array();
* baut eine verbindung zum server auf
function connect($_server = "", $_user = "", $_pass = "" ){
$this->server = $_server;
$this->user = $_user;
$this->pass = $_pass;
if ( !$this->server )
return $this->error = "no server given!";
if ( !( $this->con = fsockopen( $this->server, $this->port, $error ) ) ) {
switch ( $error ) {
case -3:
return $this->error = "socket could not be created";
case -4:
return $this->error = "dns lookup on hostname \"" . $this->server . "\" failed";
case -5:
return $this->error = "connection refused or timed out";
case -6:
return $this->error = "fdopen() call failed";
case -7:
return $this->error = "setvbuf() call failed";
return $this->error = $error . " could not connect to the host \"" . $this->server . "\"";
$this->status = "connected";
* schliesst die verbindung zum server
function disconnect() {
if ( $this->con ) {
fclose( $this->con );
$this->con = 0;
* oeffnet die verbindung zum server
function open() {
if ( $this->status != "connected" )
if ( $this->error = $this->connect() )
return $this->error;
if ( $this->tokenize( $this->get(), " " ) != "+OK" )
return $this->error = "could not open connection";
$this->status = "authorize";
return "";
* login mit benutzername und passwort
function login() {
if ( $this->status != "authorize" )
return $this->error = "no authorize state";
if ( !$this->put( "USER " . $this->user ) )
return $this->error = "Could not send the USER command";
if ( $this->tokenize( $this->get(), " " ) != "+OK" )
return $this->error = "Could not get USER response";
if ( !$this->put( "PASS " . $this->pass ) )
return $this->error = "Could not send the PASS command";
if ( $this->tokenize( $this->get(), " " ) != "+OK" )
return $this->error = "Username or Password not correct ?";
$this->status = "loggedin";
* schickt einen befehl zum server
function put( $line ) {
return( fputs( $this->con, "$line\r\n" ) );
function get()
for( $line = "";; ) {
if ( feof( $this->con ) )
return 0;
$line .= fgets( $this->con, 100 );
$length = strlen( $line );
if ( $length >= 2 && substr( $line, $length-2, 2 ) == "\r\n" ) {
$line = substr( $line, 0, $length-2 );
return $line;
* zerlegt die antwort vom server
function tokenize( $text, $token ) {
$this->token = $token;
$this->tokentext = $text;
if ( $pos = strpos( $text, $token ) ) {
$this->tokentext = substr( $text, $pos + 1 );
return substr( $text, 0, $pos );
return $text;
* parst die naechste antwort vom server
function nexttoken() {
return $this->tokenize( $this->tokentext, $this->token );
* statistik ueber die mailbox
function stat()
if ( $this->status != "loggedin" )
return $this->error = "not logged in";
if ( $this->put( "STAT" ) == 0 )
return $this->error = "Could not send the STAT command";
if ( $this->tokenize( $this->get(), " " ) != "+OK" )
return $this->error = "Could not get STAT response";
* loeschen einer mail
* ACHTUNG: mail wird nur zum loeschen markiert, erst das QUIT zum server loescht sie!
function delete($_id) {
if ( $this->status != "loggedin" )
return $this->error = "not logged in";
if ( $this->put( "DELE ".$_id ) == 0 )
return $this->error = "Could not send the DELE command";
if ( $this->tokenize( $this->get(), " " ) != "+OK" )
return $this->error = "Could not get DELE response";
* uebersicht ueber die mails in der mailbox
function &listing() {
if ( $this->status != "loggedin" )
return $this->error = "not logged in";
if ( $this->put( "LIST" ) == 0 )
return $this->error = "Could not send the LIST command";
if ( $this->tokenize( $this->get(), " " ) != "+OK" )
return $this->error = "Could not get LIST response";
while ( true ) {
$response = $this->get();
if ( $response == "." )break;
$message = intval( $this->tokenize( $response, " " ) );
$this->size[$message] = $this->nexttoken();
$this->ids[$message] = $this->nexttoken();
return $this->size;
* gibt die vom server vergebenen ids fuer die mails zurueck
function &ids() {
return $this->ids;
* holt eine mail
function retrieve( $message, &$header, &$body ) {
if ( $this->status != "loggedin" )
return $this->error = "not logged in";
if ( $this->put( "RETR $message" ) == 0 )
return $this->error = "Could not send the RETR command";
if ( $this->tokenize( $this->get(), " " ) != "+OK" )
return $this->error = "Could not get RETR response";
$header = $body = array();
for( $line = 0;;$line++ ) {
if ( GetType( $response = $this->get() ) != "string" )
return $this->error = "Could not retrieve the message";
switch ( $response ) {
case ".":
return( "" );
case "":
break 2;
if ( substr( $response, 0, 1 ) == "." )
$response = substr( $response, 1, strlen( $response )-1 );
$header[$line] = $response;
for( $line = 0;;$line++ ) {
if ( GetType( $response = $this->get() ) != "string" )
return $this->error = "Could not retrieve the message";
switch ( $response ) {
case ".":
return( "" );
if ( substr( $response, 0, 1 ) == "." )
$response = substr( $response, 1, strlen( $response )-1 );
$body[$line] = $response;
return "";