MySQL Tabellendesign für Tracker

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  • MySQL Tabellendesign für Tracker

    [color=red]Hatte keine Lust das nochmal neu zu schreiben, hoffe das geht in Ordnung. Danke.[/color]


    I'm currenty writing a PHP based tracking script and was wondering about an expedient mysql table design. My experiences with mysql are not as good as with PHP at all, so I need a little help.

    The main problem is performance, so you may already asume that I'm not looking for poorly conceived table structures but some kind of denormalized ones, in order to improve the performance.

    So whats the best way to store the logged information? What you see here is the db structure from phpOpenTracker and that exactly is the way it shouldn't be.
    This normalized schema is horrible slow if you have to evaluate a lot of data.

    I know a lot about application design but not about db design, so it would be great if anyone could give me some approaches and/or examples.

    Thank you