Web Developers For You!

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  • Web Developers For You!

    Welcome to www.BitriXTeam.com.
    We are team of web developers..

    Bitrixteam.com the leading edge in website development and management. We develop and maintain websites for clients from all over the world. Our professional team of web design and programming experts pride themselves on producing websites that make for real business. BitriX Team specializes in making custom Web sites and providing custom solutions for each client. Each site is built from the ground up with your needs in mind, not from a template.

    Did another firm or individual create your current site that is now generating more headaches than profits and new customers? BitriX Team will be glad to review your site, give your company expert suggestions to make your life easier. We can also repair or rebuild your site at competitive rates.

    BitriX Team can handle basically any Website design or development task!

    We have greatest programmers and designers. Our done works are mirrors of our creativity. You will be fully satisfied.
    Please visit our portfolio http://www.bitrixteam.com/ or contact us support@bitrixteam.com

    web development: programming and design
    P.S. You deserve much better, you deserve us!
    We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on ww.BitriXTeam.com).

    Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages. WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.

  • #2
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    • #3
      Re: Web Developers For You!

      Original geschrieben von BitriXTeam
      Welcome to www.BitriXTeam.com.
      We are team of web developers..
      and your website still sucks ... 197 html errors!
      Bitrixteam.com the leading edge in website development and management.
      We have greatest programmers and designers.
      P.S. You deserve much better, you deserve us!
      man, die spacken können nicht mal ansatzweise halten, was sie vollmundig versprechen.

      btw: könnte man solche accounts, die offensichtlich nur angelegt werden, um werbung zu machen, nich ganz löschen?
      von diesem poster wurde noch keine einzige hilfreiche antwort hier im forum gegeben, sondern nur vier mal dieser werbe-bullshit gepostet.
      I don't believe in rebirth. Actually, I never did in my whole lives.


      • #4
        We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on ww.BitriXTeam.com).

        Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages. WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.


        • #5
          Original geschrieben von BitriXTeam
          deine russischen(?) beleidigungen(?) ändern nichts daran, dass du a) von html wenig ahnung zu haben scheinst, und b) dieses forum bisher ausschliesslich zum spammen benutzt hast.
          I don't believe in rebirth. Actually, I never did in my whole lives.


          • #6
            Speak english please )
            We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on ww.BitriXTeam.com).

            Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages. WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.


            • #7
              Why speaking English. This is a german board.

              Don't speak english, russian, latin, spanish or italian or another language.

              @alle anderen
              Wo bekommt man einen kyrillischen Zeichensatz her?
              Zuletzt geändert von XGremliN; 25.09.2003, 13:57.
              it's not a bug,
              it's a feature!


              • #8

                on top-left side you can see flags.. american and france (or am I wrong??).. so i think here we can speak on english too.. or are you do not mind?

                Why I ask write here on english? This is simple.. bcz i created message on english.. and i owner this topic!!
                We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on ww.BitriXTeam.com).

                Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages. WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.


                • #9
                  With these flags you can translate this GERMAN page into french and english using the translator from google.com
                  it's not a bug,
                  it's a feature!


                  • #10
                    We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on ww.BitriXTeam.com).

                    Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages. WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.


                    • #11
                      klick on these flags if you don't believe it.

                      PS: watch the URL of this page. www.php-resource.[COLOR=red]de[/COLOR]
                      it's not a bug,
                      it's a feature!


                      • #12
                        I think this board is save again. Because I defeted the Russian empire.
                        it's not a bug,
                        it's a feature!


                        • #13
                          about flags.. i know.. I know.. thx

                          about Russian imperia.. What you mean??

                          Maybe you or your friends have projects/jobs for us?
                          Zuletzt geändert von BitriXTeam; 25.09.2003, 14:58.
                          We are a russian team of 8 men: professional programmers and designers. We developed alot advanced websites for 7 years (please go through our portfolio located on ww.BitriXTeam.com).

                          Any platform stations, any operation systems, any web-languages. WE CAN MAKE ALL ! - this is our slogan, Contact us ASAP and you will be HAPPY.


                          • #14
                            Original geschrieben von BitriXTeam
                            about Russian imperia.. What you mean??
                            It just should be a joke!!!
                            it's not a bug,
                            it's a feature!


                            • #15
                              We all ourselves are looking for jobs

