xml for php processing

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  • xml for php processing

    Hello everyone,,,
    I would like to further process the following value from this xml file:
    <external-id> ext-id </ external-id>

    <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
    <! DOCTYPE EVENT-DATA (View Source for full doctype ...)>
    <EVENT-[color=#333333]mobdro[/color] [color=#333333]lucky patcher[/color] [color=#333333]kodi[/color] DATA>
    <external-id> ext-id </ external-id>
    </ subscribe-data>
    </ EVENT- DATA>

    I could not get on with this script; there was an error message '' ...
    In addition, the value "external-id" should be further processed as a variable.

    $ data = simplexml_load_file ('ended.xml');
    print utf8_decode ($ data-> subscribe-data [0] -> external-id). "\ n <br>";

    Can someone help me there.
    Reply with quote
    Zuletzt geändert von Gabrial; 15.06.2019, 16:57.

  • #2
    as described in manual?
    carpe noctem

    [color=blue]Bitte keine Fragen per EMail ... im Forum haben alle was davon ... und ich beantworte EMail-Fragen von Foren-Mitgliedern in der Regel eh nicht![/color]
    [color=red]Hinweis: Ich bin weder Mitglied noch Angestellter von ebiz-consult! Alles was ich hier von mir gebe tue ich in eigener Verantwortung![/color]


    • #3
      Zitat von Gabrial Beitrag anzeigen
      Hello everyone,,,
      I would like to further process the following value from this xml file:
      <external-id> ext-id </ external-id>

      <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
      <! DOCTYPE EVENT-DATA (View Source for full doctype ...)>
      <EVENT-[color=#333333]mobdro[/color] [color=#333333]lucky patcher[/color] [color=#333333]kodi[/color] DATA>
      <external-id> ext-id </ external-id>
      </ subscribe-data>
      </ EVENT- DATA>

      I could not get on with this script; there was an error message '' ...
      In addition, the value "external-id" should be further processed as a variable.

      $ data = simplexml_load_file ('ended.xml');
      print utf8_decode ($ data-> subscribe-data [0] -> external-id). "\ n <br>";

      Can someone help me there.
      Reply with quote
      i Have Same Problem


      • #4
        Hello everyone,,,
        I would like to further process the following value from this xml file:
        <external-id> ext-id </ external-id>

        <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
        <! DOCTYPE EVENT-DATA (View Source for full doctype ...)>
        <external-id> ext-id </ external-id>
        </ subscribe-data>
        </ SUBSCRIPTION>
        </ EVENT-DATA>

        I couldn't get on with this script; there was an error message '' ...
        In addition, the value "external-id" should be further processed as a variable.

        $data = simplexml_load_file('ended.xml');
        print utf8_decode ($data->subscribe-data[0]->external-id). "\n<br>";

        Can someone help me there.

