hab ein counterscript.es ist ziemlich einfach gehalten (text)und deswegen kann man es einfach aktualiesieren und dann geht der counter immer höher.
ich bräuchte jetzt ne reloadspeere für 30 min und einen code der bei einer bestimmten anzahl des counters den besucher an eine weitere seite leitet.
hier das script:
<p><a href="http://www.besucherworld.de.sr"><img border="0" src="http://ww
w.besucherworld.traffichouse.de/besucherworldmaus.gif" width="885" height="
<p> </p>
<p>du bist klick nr.</p>
[code php]
/* ############################################################## */
/* PHP simple text counter + mail notice */
/* coded (c) 1999 by rofus */
/* rofus@mindless.com */
/* */
/* Special thanks for all to Stevenson! (the crazybrain :P) */
/* ############################################################## */
/* */
$counter_file = "counter.txt";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This variable ($counter_file) should point to a SIMPLE text file */
/* in your directory on the server. You MUST create it, writing */
/* in ONLY the number from which you want the counter starts. */
/* If you don't know your dir on the server or you haven't */
/* permissions to write in please ask your system administrator. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
function counter($counter_file) {
$aprif = fopen($counter_file,"r+");
$hits = fgets($aprif, 16);
$hits += 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------- */
/* Fill in this variables with your data
/* -----------------
$address = "your@email.here";
$name_website = "name of your website";
$date_start= "31/12/1999";
/* -----------------
/* With this setting the counter send you an email every 10 hits (10,20,30
etc..) */
/* Replace the 10 (ONLY IT!) with your value; ie. if you put 15 the script
send you */
/* an email every 15 hits (15,30,45 etc..), if you put 7 every 7 (7,14,21,2
etc... */ /* -----------------
*/ $hit_check = bcdiv($hits, 10, 5); /*
----------- */ if (ereg("[0-9]+.[0]+$", $hit_check)) {
mail($address, "Log hits from $name_website", "Number of h
its from $date_start: $hits"); print "$hits n";
} else { print "$hits n"; } } counter($count
ich bräuchte jetzt ne reloadspeere für 30 min und einen code der bei einer bestimmten anzahl des counters den besucher an eine weitere seite leitet.
hier das script:
<p><a href="http://www.besucherworld.de.sr"><img border="0" src="http://ww
w.besucherworld.traffichouse.de/besucherworldmaus.gif" width="885" height="
<p> </p>
<p>du bist klick nr.</p>
[code php]
/* ############################################################## */
/* PHP simple text counter + mail notice */
/* coded (c) 1999 by rofus */
/* rofus@mindless.com */
/* */
/* Special thanks for all to Stevenson! (the crazybrain :P) */
/* ############################################################## */
/* */
$counter_file = "counter.txt";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This variable ($counter_file) should point to a SIMPLE text file */
/* in your directory on the server. You MUST create it, writing */
/* in ONLY the number from which you want the counter starts. */
/* If you don't know your dir on the server or you haven't */
/* permissions to write in please ask your system administrator. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
function counter($counter_file) {
$aprif = fopen($counter_file,"r+");
$hits = fgets($aprif, 16);
$hits += 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------- */
/* Fill in this variables with your data
/* -----------------
$address = "your@email.here";
$name_website = "name of your website";
$date_start= "31/12/1999";
/* -----------------
/* With this setting the counter send you an email every 10 hits (10,20,30
etc..) */
/* Replace the 10 (ONLY IT!) with your value; ie. if you put 15 the script
send you */
/* an email every 15 hits (15,30,45 etc..), if you put 7 every 7 (7,14,21,2
etc... */ /* -----------------
*/ $hit_check = bcdiv($hits, 10, 5); /*
----------- */ if (ereg("[0-9]+.[0]+$", $hit_check)) {
mail($address, "Log hits from $name_website", "Number of h
its from $date_start: $hits"); print "$hits n";
} else { print "$hits n"; } } counter($count