MySQL-Front Version 2.2 available

-------------------------------------- Changes to the last version: -------------------------------------- New features: - Database-Tree: Fields are now displayed beyond the tables - MySQL-Errors now are displayed with a help-button, which links to

Changes to the last version:
New features:
- Database-Tree: Fields are now displayed beyond the tables
- MySQL-Errors now are displayed with a help-button, which links to the searchable
documentation on or on the FAQ, depending on the error-message
- Export/Import MySQL-Front settings and connections to/from a registry-file (.reg)
(File -> "Export settings...", -> "Import settings...")

- CSV-Exports now include the field-names as a first line
- SQL-Exports now don't enclose table- and db-names with backticks
- ODBC-queries now don't enclose table-names with backticks, which is more compatible
to most database-systems

- A MySQL 4.x version is now recognized correctly. Along with this tables are now
retrieved with "show table status" and some other features are active again
- Removed access violation when sometimes clicking on table-tabsheet (Table dbname. doesn't exist...)

The multi-language options is completely removed in this new version, because too few
users asked for a version in their language. In addition it is simply too much work to collect all billion strings in the software, which have to be translated.

see the complete changes-log on

The new Version (2.2) of MySQL-Front is available: Download at


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