PHPCon East 2003 in New York City

Auch dieses Jahr findet in New York City die PHPcon 2003 statt. Für alle die zu dieser Zeit in NY sind, empfehlen wir einen Besuch der PHPcon Konferenz. Hier der Originaltext des Veranstalters: Like PHP? Love PHP? LIVE PHP! Last year we launche

Auch dieses Jahr findet in New York City die PHPcon 2003 statt. Für alle die zu dieser Zeit in NY sind, empfehlen wir einen Besuch der PHPcon Konferenz.

Hier der Originaltext des Veranstalters:


Last year we launched the eagerly attended PHPCon 2002, the first
all-PHP technical conference in the US. If you're interested in PHP,
PHPCon East 2003 is where you need to be.

PHPCon East 2003 attracts the top names in PHP development, giving you a
great opportunity to network with peers, hear about the latest
technology and trends in PHP, and learn tips and tricks from the gurus.
PHPCon 2003 speakers include:

- Rasmus Lerdorf, Keynote Speaker and Inventor of PHP
- Zak Greant,
- Shane Caraveo, Active State, Inc.
- Luke Welling and Laura Thompson, Tangent Technologies
- George Schlossnagle, OmniTI
- Dan Radigan, Macromedia
- J. Scott Johnson, FuzzyBlog . And more!

This year we've added a full day of hands-on, intensive tutorials - 6
half day sessions offering practical, easily implemented PHP solutions
and ideas. Whether you're just starting to learn PHP or are looking for
advanced technical skills, PHPCon East tutorials give you just what
you're looking for. Tutorial topics include:

- MySQL and PHP
- Building and Consuming Web Services with SOAP
- Getting Started with PHP
- Introduction to XML with PHP4
- MySQL & PHP for Carbon-Based Lifeforms
- High Performance PHP: Profiling and Benchmarking

Register Today and Save!

PHPCon East has discounts for early registration, students, non-profits,
and Tutorials/Conference registration packages! Save hundreds by
registering early and reserving your space. Early Bird Deadline is March

PHPCon East 2003
April 23-25, 2003
Park Central New York Hotel
New York, New York


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Autor : admin
Kategorie: Software & Web-Development

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