The Gmagick class

(PECL gmagick >= Unknown)



class Gmagick {
/* Methoden */
public __construct(string $filename = ?)
public addimage(Gmagick $source): Gmagick
public addnoiseimage(int $noise_type): Gmagick
public annotateimage(
    GmagickDraw $GmagickDraw,
    float $x,
    float $y,
    float $angle,
    string $text
): Gmagick
public blurimage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = ?): Gmagick
public borderimage(GmagickPixel $color, int $width, int $height): Gmagick
public charcoalimage(float $radius, float $sigma): Gmagick
public chopimage(
    int $width,
    int $height,
    int $x,
    int $y
): Gmagick
public clear(): Gmagick
public commentimage(string $comment): Gmagick
public compositeimage(
    Gmagick $source,
    int $COMPOSE,
    int $x,
    int $y
): Gmagick
public cropimage(
     int $width ,
     int $height ,
    int $x,
    int $y
): Gmagick
public cropthumbnailimage(int $width, int $height): Gmagick
public current(): Gmagick
public cyclecolormapimage(int $displace): Gmagick
public destroy(): bool
public drawimage(GmagickDraw $GmagickDraw): Gmagick
public edgeimage(float $radius): Gmagick
public embossimage(float $radius, float $sigma): Gmagick
public flipimage(): Gmagick
public flopimage(): Gmagick
public frameimage(
    GmagickPixel $color,
    int $width,
    int $height,
    int $inner_bevel,
    int $outer_bevel
): Gmagick
public gammaimage(float $gamma): Gmagick
public getcopyright(): string
public getfilename(): string
public getimageblueprimary(): array
public getimagechanneldepth(int $channel_type): int
public getimagecolors(): int
public getimagecolorspace(): int
public getimagecompose(): int
public getimagedelay(): int
public getimagedepth(): int
public getimagedispose(): int
public getimageextrema(): array
public getimagefilename(): string
public getimageformat(): string
public getimagegamma(): float
public getimagegreenprimary(): array
public getimageheight(): int
public getimagehistogram(): array
public getimageindex(): int
public getimageiterations(): int
public getimagematte(): int
public getimageprofile(string $name): string
public getimageredprimary(): array
public getimageresolution(): array
public getimagescene(): int
public getimagesignature(): string
public getimagetype(): int
public getimageunits(): int
public getimagewhitepoint(): array
public getimagewidth(): int
public getpackagename(): string
public getquantumdepth(): array
public getreleasedate(): string
public getsamplingfactors(): array
public getsize(): array
public getversion(): array
public implodeimage(float $radius): mixed
public labelimage(string $label): mixed
public levelimage(
    float $blackPoint,
    float $gamma,
    float $whitePoint,
    int $channel = Gmagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): mixed
public mapimage(gmagick $gmagick, bool $dither): Gmagick
public medianfilterimage(float $radius): void
public modulateimage(float $brightness, float $saturation, float $hue): Gmagick
public motionblurimage(float $radius, float $sigma, float $angle): Gmagick
public newimage(
    int $width,
    int $height,
    string $background,
    string $format = ?
): Gmagick
public nextimage(): bool
public normalizeimage(int $channel = ?): Gmagick
public oilpaintimage( float $radius ): Gmagick
public previousimage(): bool
public profileimage(string $name, string $profile): Gmagick
public quantizeimage(
    int $numColors,
    int $colorspace,
    int $treeDepth,
    bool $dither,
    bool $measureError
): Gmagick
public quantizeimages(
    int $numColors,
    int $colorspace,
    int $treeDepth,
    bool $dither,
    bool $measureError
): Gmagick
public queryfontmetrics(GmagickDraw $draw, string $text): array
public queryfonts(string $pattern = "*"): array
public queryformats(string $pattern = "*"): array
public radialblurimage(float $angle, int $channel = Gmagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): Gmagick
public raiseimage(
    int $width,
    int $height,
    int $x,
    int $y,
    bool $raise
): Gmagick
public read(string $filename): Gmagick
public readimage(string $filename): Gmagick
public readimageblob(string $imageContents, string $filename = ?): Gmagick
public readimagefile(resource $fp, string $filename = ?): Gmagick
public reducenoiseimage(float $radius): Gmagick
public removeimageprofile(string $name): string
public resampleimage(
    float $xResolution,
    float $yResolution,
    int $filter,
    float $blur
): Gmagick
public resizeimage(
    int $width,
    int $height,
    int $filter,
    float $blur,
    bool $fit = false
): Gmagick
public rollimage(int $x, int $y): Gmagick
public rotateimage(mixed $color, float $degrees): Gmagick
public scaleimage(int $width, int $height, bool $fit = false): Gmagick
public separateimagechannel(int $channel): Gmagick
setCompressionQuality( int $quality = 75 ): Gmagick
public setfilename(string $filename): Gmagick
public setimageblueprimary(float $x, float $y): Gmagick
public setimagechanneldepth(int $channel, int $depth): Gmagick
public setimagecolorspace(int $colorspace): Gmagick
public setimagecompose(int $composite): Gmagick
public setimagedelay(int $delay): Gmagick
public setimagedepth(int $depth): Gmagick
public setimagedispose(int $disposeType): Gmagick
public setimagefilename(string $filename): Gmagick
public setimageformat(string $imageFormat): Gmagick
public setimagegamma(float $gamma): Gmagick
public setimagegreenprimary(float $x, float $y): Gmagick
public setimageindex(int $index): Gmagick
public setimageinterlacescheme(int $interlace): Gmagick
public setimageiterations(int $iterations): Gmagick
public setimageprofile(string $name, string $profile): Gmagick
public setimageredprimary(float $x, float $y): Gmagick
public setimagerenderingintent(int $rendering_intent): Gmagick
public setimageresolution(float $xResolution, float $yResolution): Gmagick
public setimagescene(int $scene): Gmagick
public setimagetype(int $imgType): Gmagick
public setimageunits(int $resolution): Gmagick
public setimagewhitepoint(float $x, float $y): Gmagick
public setsamplingfactors(array $factors): Gmagick
public setsize(int $columns, int $rows): Gmagick
public shearimage(mixed $color, float $xShear, float $yShear): Gmagick
public solarizeimage(int $threshold): Gmagick
public spreadimage(float $radius): Gmagick
public swirlimage(float $degrees): Gmagick
public thumbnailimage(int $width, int $height, bool $fit = false): Gmagick
public trimimage(float $fuzz): Gmagick
public writeimage(string $filename, bool $all_frames = false): Gmagick


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