OpenBSD installation notes

This section contains notes and hints specific to installing PHP on » OpenBSD 5.8.

Using Binary Packages

Using binary packages to install PHP on OpenBSD is the recommended and simplest method. The core package has been separated from the various modules, and each can be installed and removed independently from the others. The files you need can be found on your OpenBSD CD or on the FTP site.

The main package you need to install is php, which contains the basic engine (plus gettext and iconv). Next, take a look at the module packages, such as php-mysql or php-imap. You need to use the phpxs command to activate and deactivate these modules in your php.ini.

Beispiel #1 OpenBSD Package Install Example

# pkg_add php
# pkg_add php-fpm
# pkg_add php-mysql
  (install the PEAR libraries)
# pkg_add pear

Follow the instructions shown with each package!

  (to remove packages)
# pkg_delete php
# pkg_delete php-fpm
# pkg_delete php-mysql
# pkg_delete pear

Read the » packages(7) manual page for more information about binary packages on OpenBSD.

Using Ports

You can also compile up PHP from source using the » ports tree. However, this is only recommended for users familiar with OpenBSD. The PHP 4 port is split into two sub-directories: core and extensions. The extensions directory generates sub-packages for all of the supported PHP modules. If you find you do not want to create some of these modules, use the no_* FLAVOR. For example, to skip building the imap module, set the FLAVOR to no_imap.

Common Problems

  • Apache and Nginx are no longer the default server on OpenBSD, but they can both be easily found in ports and packages. The new default server is also called 'httpd'.
  • The default install of httpd runs inside a » chroot(2) jail, which will restrict PHP scripts to accessing files under /var/www. You will therefore need to create a /var/www/tmp directory for PHP session files to be stored, or use an alternative session backend. In addition, database sockets need to be placed inside the jail or listen on the localhost interface. If you use network functions, some files from /etc such as /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/services will need to be moved into /var/www/etc. The OpenBSD PEAR package automatically installs into the correct chroot directories.
  • The OpenBSD 5.7+ package for the » gd extension requires XFree86 to be installed. This can be added post-installation (See OpenBSD FAQ#4) by adding the xbase.tgz file set.

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