emailform is written in and for php4. it is a very easy way to send data gathered with a form to an email recepient.
some of the features are...
the email message will be made automatically
all fields that are transmitted via httppost will be put into the email message
you may suppress some fields
you may check that mandatory fields are filled in
you do not need to change the code, even if you make changes to the html form that will be processed
there are only three (3) lines of code necessary to process a html form
some of the features are...
the email message will be made automatically
all fields that are transmitted via httppost will be put into the email message
you may suppress some fields
you may check that mandatory fields are filled in
you do not need to change the code, even if you make changes to the html form that will be processed
there are only three (3) lines of code necessary to process a html form