
(PHP 4 > 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

com::__constructcom class constructor


public com::__construct(
    string $module_name,
    array|string|null $server_name = null,
    int $codepage = CP_ACP,
    string $typelib = ""

Constructs a new com object.


Can be a ProgID, Class ID or Moniker that names the component to load. A ProgID is typically the application or DLL name, followed by a period, followed by the object name. e.g: Word.Application. A Class ID is the UUID that uniquely identifies a given class. A Moniker is a special form of naming, similar in concept to a URL scheme, that identifies a resource and specifies how it should be loaded. As an example, you could load up Word and get an object representing a word document by specifying the full path to the word document as the module name, or you can use LDAP: as a moniker to use the ADSI interface to LDAP.
The name of the DCOM server on which the component should be loaded and run. If null, the object is run using the default for the application. The default is typically to run it on the local machine, although the administrator might have configured the application to launch on a different machine. If a non-null value is specified for server, PHP will refuse to load the object unless the com.allow_dcom php.ini option is set to true.

If server_name is an array, it should contain the following elements (case sensitive!). Note that they are all optional (although you need to specify both Username and Password together); if you omit the Server setting, the default server will be used (as mentioned above), and the instantiation of the object will not be affected by the com.allow_dcom php.ini directive.

DCOM server name
key type description
Server string The name of the server.
Username string The username to connect as.
Password string The password for Username.
Domain string The domain of server.
Flags integer One or more of the following constants, logically OR'd together: CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER, CLSCTX_SERVER and CLSCTX_ALL. The default value if not specified here is CLSCTX_SERVER if you also omit Server, or CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER if you do specify a server. You should consult the Microsoft documentation for CoCreateInstance for more information on the meaning of these constants; you will typically never have to use them.

Specifies the codepage that is used to convert strings to unicode-strings and vice versa. The conversion is applied whenever a PHP string is passed as a parameter or returned from a method of this COM object. The code page is sticky, which means that it will propagate to objects and variants returned from the object. Possible values are CP_ACP (use system default ANSI code page - the default if this parameter is omitted), CP_MACCP, CP_OEMCP, CP_SYMBOL, CP_THREAD_ACP (use codepage/locale set for the current executing thread), CP_UTF7 and CP_UTF8. You may also use the number for a given codepage; consult the Microsoft documentation for more details on codepages and their numeric values.

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