
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ip2longConverts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a long integer


ip2long(string $ip): int|false

The function ip2long() generates a long integer representation of IPv4 Internet network address from its Internet standard format (dotted string) representation.

ip2long() will also work with non-complete IP addresses. Read » http://publibn.boulder.ibm.com/doc_link/en_US/a_doc_lib/libs/commtrf2/inet_addr.htm for more info.



A standard format address.

Return Values

Returns the long integer or false if ip is invalid.


Example #1 ip2long() Example

$out "The following URLs are equivalent:<br />\n";
$out .= 'http://www.example.com/, http://' $ip '/, and http://' sprintf("%u"ip2long($ip)) . "/<br />\n";

Example #2 Displaying an IP address

This second example shows how to print a converted address with the printf() function:

$long ip2long($ip);

if (
$long == -|| $long === FALSE) {
'Invalid IP, please try again';
} else {
$ip   "\n";            //
echo $long "\n";            // 3221234342 (-1073732954 on 32-bit systems, due to integer overflow)
printf("%u\n"ip2long($ip)); // 3221234342



Because PHP's int type is signed, and many IP addresses will result in negative integers on 32-bit architectures, you need to use the "%u" formatter of sprintf() or printf() to get the string representation of the unsigned IP address.


ip2long() will return -1 for the IP on 32-bit systems due to the integer value overflowing.

See Also

  • long2ip() - Converts an long integer address into a string in (IPv4) Internet standard dotted format
  • sprintf() - Return a formatted string

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