
(PHP 7 >= 7.2.0, PHP 8)

sodium_crypto_box_sealAnonymous public-key encryption


sodium_crypto_box_seal(string $message, string $public_key): string

Encrypt a message such that only the recipient can decrypt it.

Unlike with sodium_crypto_box(), you only need to know the recipient's public key to use sodium_crypto_box_seal(). One consequence of this convenience, however, is that the ciphertext isn't bound to a static public key, and is therefore not authenticated. Hence, anonymous public-key encryption.

sodium_crypto_box_seal() still provides ciphertext integrity. Just not sender identity authentication.

If you also need sender authentication, the sodium_crypto_sign() functions are likely the best place to start.



The message to encrypt.


The public key that corresponds to the only key that can decrypt the message.

Return Values

A ciphertext string in the format of (one-time public key, encrypted message, authentication tag).


Example #1 sodium_crypto_box_seal() example

$public_key sodium_crypto_box_publickey($keypair);

// Obfuscated plaintext to make the example more fun
$plaintext_b64 "V3JpdGluZyBzb2Z0d2FyZSBpbiBQSFAgY2FuIGJlIGEgZGVsaWdodCE=";
$decoded_plaintext sodium_base642bin($plaintext_b64SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL);

$sealed sodium_crypto_box_seal($decoded_plaintext$public_key);

$opened sodium_crypto_box_seal_open($sealed$keypair);

The above example will output something similar to:

string(120) "oRBXXAV4iQBrxlV4A21Bord8Yo/D8ZlrIIGNyaRCcGBfpz0map52I3xq6l+CST+1NSgQkbV+HiYyFjXWiWiaCGupGf+zl4bgWj/A9Adtem7Jt3h3emrMsLw="
string(41) "Writing software in PHP can be a delight!"

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