
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

variant_cmpCompares two variants


    mixed $left,
    mixed $right,
    int $locale_id = LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,
    int $flags = 0
): int

Compares left with right.

This function will only compare scalar values, not arrays or variant records.



The left operand.


The right operand.


A valid Locale Identifier to use when comparing strings (this affects string collation).


flags can be one or more of the following values OR'd together, and affects string comparisons:

Variant Comparision Flags
value meaning
NORM_IGNORECASE Compare case insensitively
NORM_IGNORENONSPACE Ignore nonspacing characters
NORM_IGNOREWIDTH Ignore string width
NORM_IGNOREKASHIDA Ignore Arabic kashida characters


As with all the variant arithmetic functions, the parameters for this function can be either a PHP native type (integer, string, floating point, boolean or null), or an instance of a COM, VARIANT or DOTNET class. PHP native types will be converted to variants using the same rules as found in the constructor for the variant class. COM and DOTNET objects will have the value of their default property taken and used as the variant value.

The variant arithmetic functions are wrappers around the similarly named functions in the COM library; for more information on these functions, consult the MSDN library. The PHP functions are named slightly differently; for example variant_add() in PHP corresponds to VarAdd() in the MSDN documentation.

Return Values

Returns one of the following:

Variant Comparision Results
value meaning
VARCMP_LT left is less than right
VARCMP_EQ left is equal to right
VARCMP_GT left is greater than right
VARCMP_NULL Either left, right or both are null

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