
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PECL yaz >= 0.9.0)

yaz_connect Prepares for a connection to a Z39.50 server


yaz_connect(string $zurl, mixed $options = ?): mixed

This function returns a connection resource on success, zero on failure.

yaz_connect() prepares for a connection to a Z39.50 server. This function is non-blocking and does not attempt to establish a connection - it merely prepares a connect to be performed later when yaz_wait() is called.


The » YAZ proxy is a freely available Z39.50 proxy.



A string that takes the form host[:port][/database]. If port is omitted, port 210 is used. If database is omitted Default is used.


If given as a string, it is treated as the Z39.50 V2 authentication string (OpenAuth).

If given as an array, the contents of the array serves as options.


Username for authentication.


Group for authentication.


Password for authentication.


Cookie for session (YAZ proxy).


Proxy for connection (YAZ proxy).


A boolean. If true the connection is persistent; If false the connection is not persistent. By default connections are persistent.


If you open a persistent connection, you won't be able to close it later with yaz_close().


A boolean. If true piggyback is enabled for searches; If false piggyback is disabled. By default piggyback is enabled.

Enabling piggyback is more efficient and usually saves a network-round-trip for first time fetches of records. However, a few Z39.50 servers do not support piggyback or they ignore element set names. For those, piggyback should be disabled.


A string that specifies character set to be used in Z39.50 language and character set negotiation. Use strings such as: ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16.

Most Z39.50 servers do not support this feature (and thus, this is ignored). Many servers use the ISO-8859-1 encoding for queries and messages. MARC21/USMARC records are not affected by this setting.


An integer that specifies the maximum byte size of all records to be returned by a target during retrieval. See the » Z39.50 standard for more information.


This option is supported in PECL YAZ 1.0.5 or later.


An integer that specifies the maximum byte size of a single record to be returned by a target during retrieval. This entity is referred to as Exceptional-record-size in the » Z39.50 standard.


This option is supported in PECL YAZ 1.0.5 or later.

Return Values

A connection resource on success, false on error.


Version Description
4.1.0 The parameter options was added.

See Also

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