

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mysqli_stmt::bind_param -- mysqli_stmt_bind_paramBinds variables to a prepared statement as parameters


Object-oriented style

public mysqli_stmt::bind_param(string $types, mixed &$var, mixed &...$vars): bool

Procedural style

    mysqli_stmt $statement,
    string $types,
    mixed &$var,
    mixed &...$vars
): bool

Bind variables for the parameter markers in the SQL statement prepared by mysqli_prepare() or mysqli_stmt_prepare().


If data size of a variable exceeds max. allowed packet size (max_allowed_packet), you have to specify b in types and use mysqli_stmt_send_long_data() to send the data in packets.


Care must be taken when using mysqli_stmt_bind_param() in conjunction with call_user_func_array(). Note that mysqli_stmt_bind_param() requires parameters to be passed by reference, whereas call_user_func_array() can accept as a parameter a list of variables that can represent references or values.



Procedural style only: A mysqli_stmt object returned by mysqli_stmt_init().


A string that contains one or more characters which specify the types for the corresponding bind variables:

Type specification chars
Character Description
i corresponding variable has type integer
d corresponding variable has type double
s corresponding variable has type string
b corresponding variable is a blob and will be sent in packets


The number of variables and length of string types must match the parameters in the statement.

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Example #1 mysqli_stmt::bind_param() example

Object-oriented style


$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost''my_user''my_password''world');

$stmt $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO CountryLanguage VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");

$code 'DEU';
$language 'Bavarian';
$official "F";
$percent 11.2;


printf("%d row inserted.\n"$stmt->affected_rows);

/* Clean up table CountryLanguage */
$mysqli->query("DELETE FROM CountryLanguage WHERE Language='Bavarian'");
printf("%d row deleted.\n"$mysqli->affected_rows);

Procedural style


$link mysqli_connect('localhost''my_user''my_password''world');

$stmt mysqli_prepare($link"INSERT INTO CountryLanguage VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");

$code 'DEU';
$language 'Bavarian';
$official "F";
$percent 11.2;


printf("%d row inserted.\n"mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt));

/* Clean up table CountryLanguage */
mysqli_query($link"DELETE FROM CountryLanguage WHERE Language='Bavarian'");
printf("%d row deleted.\n"mysqli_affected_rows($link));

The above examples will output:

1 row inserted.
1 row deleted.

Example #2 Using ... to provide arguments

The ... operator can be used to provide variable-length argument list, e.g. in a WHERE IN clause.


$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost''my_user''my_password''world');

$stmt $mysqli->prepare("SELECT Language FROM CountryLanguage WHERE CountryCode IN (?, ?)");
/* Using ... to provide arguments */
$stmt->bind_param('ss', ...['DEU''POL']);

printf("%d rows found.\n"$stmt->num_rows());

The above examples will output:

10 rows found.

See Also

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