
The OCI8 test suite is in ext/oci8/tests. After OCI8 tests are run this directory will also contain logs of any failures.

Before running PHP's tests, edit details.inc and set $user, $password and the $dbase connection string. The OCI8 test suite has been developed using the SYSTEM account. Some tests will fail if the test user does not have equivalent permissions.

If Oracle Database Resident Connection Pooling is being tested, set $test_drcp to true and ensure the connection string uses an appropriate DRCP pooled server.

An alternative to editing details.inc is the set environment variables, for example:

    $ export PHP_OCI8_TEST_USER=system
    $ export PHP_OCI8_TEST_PASS=oracle
    $ export PHP_OCI8_TEST_DB=localhost/XE
Note in some shells these variables are not propagated correctly to the PHP process and tests will fail to connect if this method is used.

Next, set any necessary environment for the Oracle database. If you are running PHP on the same machines as Oracle Database, you can run:

    $ . /usr/local/bin/oraenv

With Oracle 11gR2 XE do:

    $ . /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/oracle_env.sh

Some shells require that php.ini has E in the variables_order parameter, for example:

    variables_order = "EGPCS"

Run all the PHP tests with:

    $ cd your_php_src_directory
    $ make test
or run only the OCI8 tests with
    $ cd your_php_src_directory
    $ make test TESTS=ext/oci8

When the tests have completed, review any test failures. On slow systems, some tests may take longer than the default test timeout in run-tests.php. To correct this, set the environment variable TEST_TIMEOUT to a larger number of seconds.

On fast machines with a local database configured for light load (e.g. Oracle 11gR2 XE) some tests might fail with ORA-12516 or ORA-12520 errors. To prevent this, increase the database PROCESSES parameter using the following steps:

Connect as the oracle software owner:

    $ su - oracle

Set the necessary Oracle environment with oracle_env.sh or oraenv, as described above.

Start the SQL*Plus command line tool and increase PROCESSES

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter system set processes=100 scope=spfile

Restart the database:

    SQL> startup force

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