I'm trying so hard to study Javascript an HTML.

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  • I'm trying so hard to study Javascript an HTML.

    So,I'm studying for the MTA 98-375,and it requires me to have some pretty good knowledge in HTML,CSS and Javascript. I have zero programming knowledge,but I started studying 3 days ago. I feel like I'm in over my head,but I really want to take the test in atleast 2-3 weeks. Is this unrealistic for a beginner? The objectives are Manage the application life cycle (20–25%) Build the user interface (UI) by using HTML5 (25–30%) Format the user interface by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (20–25%) Code by using JavaScript (30–35%) I'm using the Microsoft Virtual Academy and Official course book/CodeAcademy to study if anyone has any recommendation on study material im all ears.