gefunden auf dem gEb
Manchmal kommt es halt vor, daß man sich durch fremden Code wühlen muß. Übersichtliche Quellcodeformatierung hilft da oft schon weiter. Kommentare auch.
Aber bitte was hat der Typ geraucht, der das hier verbrochen hat?!
Aber bitte was hat der Typ geraucht, der das hier verbrochen hat?!
//\\ ///////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\ // \\ // \\ // this is where the world begins \\ // where we dive into a stream \\ // of evil tags of XML \\ // save poor bytes out of thee \\ ///=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\\\ XMLByte * print_dom_document_to_bytestream (DOM_Document * doc) { // what seems so empty here is our hope \\ // or should we say -- the saving rope? \\ XMLByte * bstream = NULL; // struggle deep - fearless as well \\ // to get the bytes out of their hell \\ DOMByteFormatTarget * formatTarget new DOMByteFormatTarget (); /////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ // the fight begins there's no way back \\ // try hard to get out of this hack \\ /////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ try { // oh my god! - the evil hits! \\ // can we beat it with these bits? \\ gFormatter = new XMLFormatter ( gEncodingName, formatTarget , XMLFormatter :: NoEscapes, gUnRepFlags) ; ////\\\\ /////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ // it seems we won! hipp hipp hurray! \\ // append a feed to things so stray \\ cout << * doc; *gFormatter << chLF ; cout << flush; } // so much blood! so many bytes! \\ // how to save them when they die? \\ catch (XMLException & e) { // free the chain around their neck \\ delete gFormatter; // and make sure it can't come back \\ gFormatter = 0; // no man left! - they all did die! \\ delete formatTarget; // but for the caller we might try \\ // tell him something here went wrong \\ // he has to make it! go on strong! \\ /////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ return (NULL); } // success! we're glad and also free \\ delete gFormatter; gFormatter = 0; // we grab the byte out of the stream \\ bstream formatTarget->get_byte_stream (); // we do not need that anymore \\ delete formatTarget; // we have it now it's here for sure! \\ /////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ return ( bstream ); } /////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\