Vergleich MS-SQL MySQL

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  • Vergleich MS-SQL MySQL

    Hallöle zusammen ....

    könnte mir mal jemand sagen, wo da der unterschied liegt ...

    (außer das der eine kostenlos isch und der andere von microsoft is und n haidengeld koscht) ...

    schonmal danke im voraus ...

    mfg DaPhreak
    If something's HARD to do,

    then it's not worth doing.
    (Homer J. (Jay) Simpson)

  • #2

    dort noch mssql anklicken, formular abschicken und lesen!!



    • #3

      Mich (die Firma) interessiert eher ob der Server https, ......
      unterstützt ....

      Darum geht es eigentlich ...
      If something's HARD to do,

      then it's not worth doing.
      (Homer J. (Jay) Simpson)


      • #4
        dann sollte man die Frage auch dahingehend spezifizieren!

        MySQL3X nicht, aber:

        Other features available from MySQL 4.0.0

        MySQL 4.0 further increases the speed of MySQL in a number of areas, such as bulk INSERTs, searching on packed indices, creation of FULLTEXT indices as well as COUNT(DISTINCT).

        The table handler InnoDB is now offered as a a feature of the standard MySQL server, including full support for transactions and row-level locking.

        MySQL 4.0 will support secure traffic between the client and the server, greatly increasing security against malicious intrusion and unauthorised access. Web applications being a cornerstone of MySQL use, web developers have been able to use SSL to secure the traffic between the the end user browser and the Web application, be it written in PHP, Perl, ASP or using any other web development tool. However, the traffic between the development tool and the mysqld server process has been protected only by virtue of them being processes residing on computers within the same firewall. In MySQL 4.0, the mysqld server daemon process can itself use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), thus enabling secure traffic to MySQL databases from, say, a Windows application residing outside the firewall.

        Die Beta 4.0.3 kann ich durchaus als Stabil empfehlen (aber trotzdem ohne garantie). Würde es einfach testen.



        • #5
          vielen dank morti ...

          mfg Wossi
          If something's HARD to do,

          then it's not worth doing.
          (Homer J. (Jay) Simpson)

