Pressemitteilungen von admin
eingestellt am 19.03.2025
In der Welt der Softwareentwicklung gibt es unzählige Wege, wie man an ein Projekt herangeht. Manche schwören auf strikte Planung, andere auf bewährte Algorithmen und wieder andere lassen sich von etwas ganz anderem leiten: ihrem Gefühl.
eingestellt am 15.04.2024
Views in a MySQL database offer the option of creating a virtual table based on the result of an SQL query. This virtual table can be queried like a normal table without changing the underlying data.
eingestellt am 09.04.2024
PhpStorm 2024.1 offers a wide range of new features that will make the heart of every PHP developer beat faster.
eingestellt am 19.02.2024
Technical SEO - What is it anyway? Technical SEO refers to the optimization of the technical aspects of your website. The goal is clear!
eingestellt am 28.09.2023
PHP 8.2.10 is one of the latest versions of PHP, which brings a number of improvements and new features. In this article we will discuss some of the outstanding new features and improvements in this version.
eingestellt am 03.08.2023
Total Commander, a popular file manager, has recently released its latest version, 11.00. With a variety of new features and corrections, this version offers users an enhanced and optimized experience.
eingestellt am 03.07.2023
In today's digital world, the role of a PHP programmer is of great importance.
eingestellt am 14.02.2023
Laravel version 10 is available for download with a minimum requirement of PHP 8.1.
eingestellt am 18.01.2023
DeepL has released a new service called "write" that aims to improve spelling and grammar with AI.
eingestellt am 22.12.2022
PHPStan is a static code analysis tool for PHP and now supports PHP up to version 8.2