Full-featured IDE for PHP developers

Zend Technologies Ltd. announced the Zend IDE™ 2.0, a major upgrade to the company's integrated development environment that includes significant improvements over the previous version 1.1 and features the Zend Debugger™ 2.0, the first commercially backed

Zend Technologies Ltd. announced the Zend IDE™ 2.0, a major upgrade to the company's integrated development environment that includes significant improvements over the previous version 1.1 and features the Zend Debugger™ 2.0, the first commercially backed stand-alone debugger for PHP code. Also announced was the Zend Cache Shared Server™ that allows Web hosting companies to offer "virtual" Zend Cache™ capabilities as an add-on service to clients. The announcements were made at the Zend booth at this year's LinuxTag Exhibition


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