Laravel 10 published

Laravel version 10 is available for download with a minimum requirement of PHP 8.1.

The developers of the popular PHP framework Laravel have released version 10.

Laravel 9 will continue to receive bug fixes until 8 August 2023 and security fixes until 14 February 2024. So if you're still using the 9 version, you should start updating slowly.

Minimum requirement Laravel 10
Version 10 introduces PHP support for version 8.1. Older PHP versions are no longer supported. 

Laravel is an open source PHP web application framework that provides an elegant, expressive and user-friendly syntax to build web applications quickly and efficiently. It includes many features such as routing, database migrations, authentication, templating, caching and more. Laravel also promotes best development practices such as Model-View-Controller (MVC) and test-driven development (TDD) to improve the quality and maintainability of code.

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