Launch new version of Navicat (MySQL GUI)

Navicat 6.1.10 improves the Import and Export Wizard and supports Views and Character set of MySQL server. Navicat is a MySQL GUI Tool, which let user perform MySQL administration and database development in a more efficient and easier way. Advance

Navicat 6.1.10 improves the Import and Export Wizard and supports Views and Character set of MySQL server.

Navicat is a MySQL GUI Tool, which let user perform MySQL administration and database development in a more efficient and easier way.

Advanced features enabling to import/ export data, backup, visually build SQL queries, create report, transfer database from server to server and manage local or remote MySQL server. It also includes a full featured graphical manager for setting the users and access privileges. No matter you want to convert Access to MySQL or synchronizing your database, Navicat can do it for you in a few simple steps.

More Info:
Download Navicat:

Navicat (MySQL Administrator) is also available for Windows and Linux.


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