Navicat MySQL GUI Manager for Windows version 8.0.24 is released.

By Premiumsoft. Navicat MySQL GUI Manager is a powerful yet easy to use MySQL client provides extensive functionality for managing and developing MySQL. It features an intuitive interface and provides a set of useful tool to import/ export, backup/ resto

By Premiumsoft. Navicat MySQL GUI Manager is a powerful yet easy to use MySQL client provides extensive functionality for managing and developing MySQL. It features an intuitive interface and provides a set of useful tool to import/ export, backup/ restore data, Synchronize database and connect to remote MySQL server, etc.

Major new features:

Event Scheduler - new MySQL feature as of MySQL 5.1.
Virtual Grouping - provides better categorization for objects.
Form View - enjoy a clear display of field name and its value with focus on current record.
Code Completion - speedup your sql writing.
New Profile System - open profile on your desktop directly.
Print Report to Files - export report to pdf, html and more.
E-mail Notification - send notification e-mail for schedule task.

Other enhancements:

Compatible with any MySQL server version up to 5.1.x.
Incremental Search and more supports in Table View.
Usability enhancement in Table Design.
Many other improvements on features and user-friendliness.

Download full version at

To find out more details about the product, please visit at:

Navicat for PostgreSQL can be found at:


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