PHP 4.0.4 patchlevel 1

PHP 4.0.4 patchlevel 1 has been released. This version fixes a few party-crashing bugs that were found in PHP 4.0.4, and two security problem that was found in the Apache module of all versions of PHP 4.0. While the danger of being vulnerable to the sec

PHP 4.0.4 patchlevel 1 has been released. This version fixes a few party-crashing bugs that were found in PHP 4.0.4, and two security problem that was found in the Apache module of all versions of PHP 4.0. While the danger of being vulnerable to the security problems that were found is low, all users of PHP 4.0.x that use PHP longside Apache are ancouraged to upgrade to PHP 4.0.4pl1.


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