Total Commander 11.00 (final) is available! What's new?

Total Commander, a popular file manager, has recently released its latest version, 11.00. With a variety of new features and corrections, this version offers users an enhanced and optimized experience.

Total Commander 11.00 (final) is available! What's new?

Total Commander has constantly evolved to meet the needs of its users. Version 11.00 is no exception. Here are some of the most notable new features and improvements introduced in this version:

  • Searchable list of all open tabs: Just like in the Chrome browser, users can now display a searchable list of all open tabs using Ctrl+Shift+A or by right-clicking on the far right edge of the tab headers.

  • Ignore list for file system plugins and FTP servers: The ignore list now supports entries for file system plugins and FTP servers with a separate syntax.

  • Search with “Everything”: This feature offers support for searching in indexed subfolders.

  • Full path in nested virtual folders: When accessing a mobile phone, the full path with all parent folders in nested virtual folders is now displayed.

  • Memory display for Android devices: The base folder now displays the free and total storage space of Android devices.

  • Support for ZSTD compression: ZIP files with ZSTD compression (from Facebook) can now be unpacked.

  • Quick search and filter: With Ctrl+S, users can perform a quick search. If the search text starts with an asterisk, the entire path is searched.

  • Right-click context menu support: This offers many options, such as opening the directory in the other file window or on a new tab.

  • Hex mode improvements: Users can now highlight both in the text and hex representation of the file content.

  • Corrections: Numerous corrections have also been made to further improve the user experience.

For a more detailed list of changes and new features, you can visit the official Change log of Total Commander.

Why should you upgrade to Total Commander 11.00?

The latest version of Total Commander not only offers new features but also an improved user experience. Here are some reasons why an upgrade makes sense:

  1. Improved performance: The latest optimizations ensure faster and smoother performance.
  2. New features: Each new version introduces innovative features that boost productivity.
  3. Better compatibility: Total Commander 11.00 offers improved compatibility with various systems and applications.
  4. Security updates: It's always important to stay up-to-date to minimize potential security risks.

How can you download and install Total Commander 11.00?

Downloading and installing Total Commander 11.00 is simple and straightforward. Visit the official download page of Total Commander to download the latest version. Then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.


What is Total Commander?
Total Commander is a file manager for Windows that offers a variety of features and tools to help users manage their files and folders.

How much does Total Commander 11.00 cost?
Prices may vary, so it's best to visit the official Total Commander website for current pricing information. A free version is also available.

Is Total Commander 11.00 compatible with older versions of Windows?
Yes, Total Commander is compatible with most versions of Windows. However, it's always a good idea to check the system requirements on the official website.

Can I import my settings from an older version of Total Commander?
Yes, Total Commander offers an import function that allows users to transfer their settings and customizations from older versions.

Is there a Mac version of Total Commander?
Currently, there is no official Mac version of Total Commander. However, there are alternative file managers for Mac that offer similar features.

How can I get support for Total Commander?
Users can visit the support section on the official Total Commander website to get help and support.



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