Version (2.0) von MySQL-Front verfügbar.
Seit heute ist die neue Version des beliebten mySQL Tool „MySQL-Front“ verfügbar. Neben Erneuerungen wurden vor allem einige Fehler behoben. New Features: - Usermanager now with support for editing existing users - Interface now Windows(r) XP ready
2002-01-13 00:00:00 2002-01-13 00:00:00 admin
New Features:
- Usermanager now with support for editing existing users
- Interface now Windows(r) XP ready
- Added multi-language-support - currently only english and german
(Set in Tools->Preferences)
- Data-Grids: Specify your favorite font for viewing data - this is
especially helpful for users which need a different characterset
(e.g. greek)
- Added table-types InnoDB and BDB on the create-table-window and to
the table-popupmenu
- Application-startup allows an sql-file as parameter, so you can
associate ".sql"-files to be opened with MySQL-Front (this is an
optional task during installation)
- Added "auto-refresh"-option to the processlist-tab
- Database-Tree allows dragging databases or tables into query-window
- Query-tab: sql-memo accepts dragged files from Windows(r)-Explorer
- Query-Tab: Added a timer for SQL-execution
- SQL-History: Added menu-item "Save as textfile"
- ODBC-Import: Cursor for reading tables now server-side instead of
client-side, which resulted in reading all data on selecting a table
- Query-Tab: "Explain"-queries are now recognized to return a result-set
- Adding a user automatically flushes privileges
- Database-Tab: Removed annoying drag-and-drop-operation for using the
"Copy table"-command
- Date and Time-Fields are now displayed as native strings even when the
option "show native contents of certain fields" is turned off.
- Added MySQL ABs new official logo-image in the about-box
- Added some information lines at startup to the sql-history, which
report statistics and if some illegal database-names were found
- Data-Tab: DB-navigator was moved to the main-toolbar at the top
- Query-Tab: Toolbuttons were moved to the main-toolbar at the top
- Toolbars now drag-and-drop'able
- Tools->Preferences->SQL-Font-dropdownbox now only shows fixed-pitch fonts
- Most internal queries now use the backtick (`) for databases, tables
and columns
- "Copy Table" now also copies indexes from the original table
- Field-Editor: Disabled length/set- and default-edit for BLOB- and
- Query-tab: fixed some bugs with internal escape-function, which caused
problems with quotes and doublequotes
- ODBC Import: Selected database will be used instead of mainscreen's
actual db
- Export tables: fixed bugs with escaping special characters
- Removed access-violation on running queries at startup, when no database
was selected
- Export Tables: selecting only data without structure exports
insert-statements now adds commas between values
- Export Tables: export to another host/db, when there is only 1 DB on the
target-host, clicking on this option does not produce an error message
like "You need at least 2 connection windows".
- Data-tab: sql-errors now don't disturb further functions of Data-Grid
- Removed annoying bug at viewing data fixed, which executed
"SHOW FIELDS..." and "SHOW KEYS..." twice.
- Fixed bug at resizing the pagecontrol at the bottom
- Fixed numerous tiny bugs
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